Originally posted by joerdie:
<strong>it is funny that you ask this question because about a year ago i was at my lfs and bought a Haitan, (not sure on the spelling) it had a red body with really long tenticals and little blue tips. Anyway I was duped into buying this thing after the sales guy told me that my perculas would bond with it. THIS IS A LIE!!! This particular beast has been known to EAT clowns!! It also comes from a different part of the world. They are cheap and die easly. My advice to you is to check the intake to your filter as sometimes they get stuck and yes they can kill your fish!! If you find the carcas remove it with care and try not to touch it as it will disolve, further poisoning your water. Hope my long story helps Good luck!</strong><hr></blockquote>
Not all of this is true...
Anemones seem to be very hard to care for and should not be bought by a newbie. Anemones depend a lot about there symbiotic algea(zooxenthese(sp)) and for that reason, need very good lighting. PC's, VHO, and better yet MH are the best for keeping anemones. Also, regular feeding are needed to make up for some lighting needs. If you have PC's or VHO's, you will have to feed it. If you have MH, it is optional too. Anemones also, are invertibrates(means no bones...) and inverts need very exelent water quality. Anemones also, just are not the hardyest things aound. The avergae life of a anemone is about 100 years, in captivity-10-20 years depending on lights, how long your tank has been up, what you feed, etc, etc etc..
Also, the haiten anemone will not KILL the clowns, nor sting them. All clowns are immung to anemones, plates, and Hammers stings, and an anemone will not kill it.Although those anemones arnt the best for hosting clowns. I just dont know why you never did reaserch, or dont know what kind it is. Can you tell me what it looks like? Look at SWF.com live fish site to your left. Look at anemones, and tryto see what kind it is. The anemone looks like it is dead from the thoughts of it. If you have a powerhead in the tank, that would be the first place to look. Try to get it out very gentely. There are alot of threads stating how people anemones got stuck in the power head. Also, it might be behind some rocks in the back. When anemones die, they do give off a lot of ammonia(nitrote, nitrate..) to the tank, so it is best if you get it out. The syphon idea os pretty good, also, try ti net it out if the syphon doesnt work. I have some questions for you:
1) how big is the tank?
2) how old is the tank?
3) what lights do you have?
4) what are your levels?
5) do you have any power head in the tank?
6) How much LR do you have?
If i could know these, it would really help. I hope this helped!