anenome question


Active Member
First I was convinced that Mike S and Bob were different people, then wasn't so sure, and now I'm back to my original conclusion. I think that Bob is now going to be on here a lot more, as school is out. As he is on here more, he has more chances to respond, and has most likely realized he could become a shark, if he posts a lot. I think he is a little overeager and overzealous, but that in the end, is only trying to help. Let's leave him alone, and try to help each other, instead of accusing one another of being a Benedict Arnold, or should I say, Benedict Randall, that's for all you Recess fans.


I dont think anyone was implying you give bad ansers (at least I wasnt) I think you give decent ansers to most questions, and yes, we all sure do make mistakes
I think what Old Hermit meant maybe?? was that Bubble Boy DID give wrong ansers more times than not, then turn around and ask a ?? about stuff he just gave a knowledgeble answer on...
Lighten up, no one meant harm, I know for sure I didnt..
~Susie :D