I have had success at keeping BTA's and false percs. However I can find writtings out there that say that both true and false percs rarly accept bubble tips as a host and yet others that try to say they will and use it as a selling point. Hard to know for sure whats real and what is false here.
I do know this. From the moment I got my pair of false percs it only took about a week before they were frolicing around in my BTA's and have loved and cared for them ever since.
Sometimes all it takes is time, however your percs have accepted a hairy mushroom which is in fact an anemone. You may try removing the mushroom (if possible) and see if they move over to your bubble tip.
Or we can use you as an experiment if you like. We can try the old show the pic of clowns in a bubble tip and see if they can learn from it, and how long it takes. Just a thought :thinking:
What color is your BTA? tenticals shape and size, foot?