?? anenome that likes to hide ??


A friend of mine had given me a green tip bubble anenome that when you first turn your lights on in the morning he runs and hides. It loves the dark side for some reason, my friend thought it had passed and he had forgotten about it being in his tank untill he had a leak and had to tear down everything. He had told me he found him in a very dark cave in his tank. he was very small when he first put it in his tank, about 3" across about 1 year ago and now its a good 8" Its looks very healthy other than the fact that it doesnt like being in the light. cant get a good picture of it because as soon as the lights turn on it closes up and moves into the dark. I'm open for ideas on getting him to see the light again....


New Member
We are having the exact same issue. We have moved the position of the live rock around so he is on top but he just moves towards the back side of the tank where the light doesnt shine. Our clownfish won't go near the anemone. Looks like we have the same problem.


I am having almost the same problem my green tip gets about 8" during the night and stays that way in the morning with just the daylight shinning in and as soon as I turn my tank lights on it goes from 8" to 3" but he lives in a hole right up front in the tank so I still get to see him just smaller version.

nacl freak

Me too. My Gbt hides from light. I have T5VHO lights .He only inflates to moonligts. What's up ? Is it this particular species? All you ever read is LIGHTS LIGHTS AND MORE LIGHTS. His color is good and he target feeds, but is shy and withdrawn with lighting.My sebae on the other hand is huge and loves the light. I have the same question. Any ideas?


Active Member
It is all dependant on what type of lighting it came from to what type of lighting is being moved to. Acclimating to a more intense light, or reacting negatively to a lesser intense light.
Also acclimating an anemone takes time 1 week to 1 month there is no set time. But during this time it is not unusual to see your anemone hiding in your LR. Although it appears that it maybe hiding from the light, which might be the case depending on the type of lighting. It is also just a way for it to acclimate itself to the new tank surroundings. Finding a spot where it feels safe and secure, it will venture out when it is ready. And in a lot of cases will move again to seek out the light. Stress and comfort play a very important role in the acclimation process of an anemone.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
It is all dependant on what type of lighting it came from to what type of lighting is being moved to. Acclimating to a more intense light, or reacting negatively to a lesser intense light.
Also acclimating an anemone takes time 1 week to 1 month there is no set time. But during this time it is not unusual to see your anemone hiding in your LR. Although it appears that it maybe hiding from the light, which might be the case depending on the type of lighting. It is also just a way for it to acclimate itself to the new tank surroundings. Finding a spot where it feels safe and secure, it will venture out when it is ready. And in a lot of cases will move again to seek out the light. Stress and comfort play a very important role in the acclimation process of an anemone.
But my GBT has been in there for 4 months and it started out around 3" when fully opened and now it is 8" with a new little 2" friend
. But they both love the night life I guess. They both share a little hole and have never moved so I guess they are happy.


Active Member
Splitting can be caused by stress. I've read an anemone will split about every year or two under good conditions, anything more than that should be looked as being caused by POSSIBLE stress.


Originally Posted by Horsin1963
A friend of mine had given me a green tip bubble anenome that when you first turn your lights on in the morning he runs and hides. It loves the dark side for some reason, my friend thought it had passed and he had forgotten about it being in his tank untill he had a leak and had to tear down everything. He had told me he found him in a very dark cave in his tank. he was very small when he first put it in his tank, about 3" across about 1 year ago and now its a good 8" Its looks very healthy other than the fact that it doesnt like being in the light. cant get a good picture of it because as soon as the lights turn on it closes up and moves into the dark. I'm open for ideas on getting him to see the light again....
Looks like I am not the only one who has one that likes to hide at nite.. I caught it getting friendly with my clarkii last night. pic's are little blured I had to slow the shutter in order to get it with out it closing up.. attached is a few pictures that I took last night and one where I found it this morning. It had all ready started to move down and close up B4 I was able to get the cam and take a pic of it. sorry about the last pic I forgot to flip it.
I could understand if he was not comfortable and was trying to adjust, and that the reason why he was hiding. But he came from a tank and wasnt seen in that tank for over a year. Well anyway I guess I will have to get to know him and how he is.. I know my Clarkii likes him if he stays put... enjoy... Thx for the comments



Active Member
Originally Posted by Horsin1963
Looks like I am not the only one who has one that likes to hide at nite.. I caught it getting friendly with my clarkii last night. pic's are little blured I had to slow the shutter in order to get it with out it closing up.. attached is a few pictures that I took last night and one where I found it this morning. It had all ready started to move down and close up B4 I was able to get the cam and take a pic of it. sorry about the last pic I forgot to flip it.
I could understand if he was not comfortable and was trying to adjust, and that the reason why he was hiding. But he came from a tank and wasnt seen in that tank for over a year. Well anyway I guess I will have to get to know him and how he is.. I know my Clarkii likes him if he stays put... enjoy... Thx for the comments
That is a severly bleached and unhealthy anemone. You should start the supplemental feedings ASAP. Every other day will not hurt at all. Marine type foods smaller than the anemones mouth. And your lighting is most definatly going to have to be addressed here. What type do you have, how many watts, and how deep is your tank. At this critical stage too much light right now can hurt your anemone but not enough is what caused it to look like it does.


Have you tried moving your powerheads? My gbta tends to move to where the strongest current is. Mine followed the strong flow under a rock when I reaquascaped, and follwed the flow back into the light when I adjusted the powerheads aim. Perfectdark is correct on that badboy being quite bleached.

nacl freak

I've had my gtb 8 mo. I've tried increasing and or decreasing flow. The lfs I bought it from had it under t5's . It will inflate at night, but I've never seen it fully inflate during the day.Unlike above pictured anemone, mine is brownish color with neon green tips.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
That is a severly bleached and unhealthy anemone. You should start the supplemental feedings ASAP. Every other day will not hurt at all. Marine type foods smaller than the anemones mouth. And your lighting is most definatly going to have to be addressed here. What type do you have, how many watts, and how deep is your tank. At this critical stage too much light right now can hurt your anemone but not enough is what caused it to look like it does.
Right now I'm not using any lights thinking the same thing as what you had stated.. I have a new retro 3X 250 MH 14K with t-5 antinics, well over 1200 watts total. 220 gallon tank. the pictures were taken with lights that are from other things I have in the room there were no lights on in the tank durning the photos.. he came out today B4 the lights came on in the tank and climbed up the overflow, I turned the lights on and he closed up. I have since shut them off thinking to much for him untill I nurse him back.. he eats fine and he looks fine except for the lack of color I didnt really notice that untill today when I was able to get a good look at him.. he has not been in the tank but just a couple of days. I did drip him for about four hours prior to putting him in my tank. I would of put him in a Q tank but I know the person and the water Quality that he came from. he lives next door to me. like I said in the first posting, the person I got him from had forgotten he was in his tank, when he put him into the tank he went into the rocks and he never saw him again untill he had to tear his tank down due to a leak. it was about a year. the same person had loaned me this lighting setup untill I can build one myself.. What type of food would you think I should feed he to help him heal faster? he eats just about anything that you feed him? any and all sujestions are welcome thx in advance


Some GBTA react differently to the light. If it hides and deflates for a long period of time, then it is stressed and you better do something about it. If it just hide and inflate during night time or less intense light, then let it be. As far as bleaching on the color, I agreed. But without a proper lightning or if it hides, a diet/supplement by itself may not solve the bleaching.


Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Splitting can be caused by stress. I've read an anemone will split about every year or two under good conditions, anything more than that should be looked as being caused by POSSIBLE stress.
Lex I just read your post about splitting?? who was asking about splitting?


Active Member
Sorry thought your 'little friend' comment was talking about another anemone (due to splitting). Now from the pictures i see you were talking about your clown :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Horsin1963
Lex I just read your post about splitting?? who was asking about splitting?
ccfl did right above his post.
As for feeding, try every other day until its color starts to come back. Small pieces of marine diet, clam, silversides, mysis, etc.... I would recomend pieces smaller than the animals mouth. With your lighting and supplemental feeding it should recover.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
ccfl did right above his post.
As for feeding, try every other day until its color starts to come back. Small pieces of marine diet, clam, silversides, mysis, etc.... I would recomend pieces smaller than the animals mouth. With your lighting and supplemental feeding it should recover.
Right nox I have been direct feeding with eyedropper Cyclop-eeze, which it loves.. almost takes the dropper from my hand. I also have Marine Cuisine, Emerald entree, Omeg-3 Brine Shrimp, and Squid.... I will see if I can find the marine diet, clam, silversides, mysis
The whole tank went nuts when the
Cyclop-eeze was being feed.. I'll keep you posted...
THX Brian