

New Member
I have a question about my anenomes i have two percula clowns and neither of them will enter either anenome but they go near them is there something wrong with my anenome's are are they healthy but the clown fishes are just taking awhile.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
A little trick we sometimes use to get our anemones to host the clowns is the picture trick! Tape a picture of an anemone hosting a clown or two to the side of your tank. If it works your clowns will start going into the anemone within a few days.


Welcome to the board

The big question should be what type of anemone do you have? Perhaps it is not compatible with your perculas. So what do you have?


what are some good anemones to put with perculas? i just got some as well and will be purchasing an anemone in the near future.


New Member
The two anenome's i have are a purple sebae anenome and a haitian purple tip anenome and the perculas i have go near the senae but not into it but from what i hear they will go into any aneome so long as they are short tentacled or you know the clown is compatable with the anenome.


Active Member
They may eventually go into the sabae, but maybe not the haitian. Haitians are not native to the pacific ocean where the clowns are from.


Two anemones in a 37 gallon? Sounds like one to many to me. How long have you had them? What is your lighting?
I agree with Viper that they (haitian -Condy's) are not the natural hosts for clownfish, but the clowns have been known to go into them from time to time. A better choice would be a BTA or RBTA for your clownfish. I would at least get rid of the haitian. What is the overall color of the Sebae? are the tips purple only or the whole body?


New Member
The tips of my sebae are purple and we have one regular light and one light that the anenome's need to live in a tank it is a purple light and my clowns or at least one took a little trip into the haitian when i was rearranging the rock work and plants one of the clowns went into it for like a minute and the sebaeion the bottom of my tank now and all spread out my haitian is on a rock all spread out but i have no clue if my clown went into the haitian becuase it was scared or what but they anenome's are both alive and well and the percula's (Clowns) are getting closer to both gradually.

gold strip

It takes time. I have a couple Ocellaris and a Bubble Tip Anemone in my 90 that haven't touched in months.
I have a maroon in my 75 that would not go near my Long Tentacled Anemone. I traded the LFS for a Bubble Tip and it wasnt in the tank an hour and the Maroon was all over it!