


what is an EXTREMELY hardy anenome? I have a very lonely clarkii looking for love in all the wrong places. But I feel my tank is too harsh for the very expensive(and weak) anenome's in my LFS. My tank is fish and inverts(crabs and shrimp) so what can I do?


New Member
if you have to get one, my sugestion would be a bubble tip, they are one of the hardiest. I do not recomend keeping an anemone however since they are very temperamental and very hard to keep up


make sure to at least get it some strong lighting. and keep your water as nice as possible. feeding isn't that much of a prob. the clown will help it with that. don't get one unless you plan to make an effort to keep it as happy as possible. good luck, and do lots of research before you dive off into anemone land...


There is no such thing as an "EXTREMELY hardy anenome." These critters need near ideal water conditions, the correct circulation, filtration, lighting, temperature, and tank-mates to survive over the long term. If you aren't sure how to feed them, I am going to guess you don't know what other mineral supplements they need either. I recomend you start with a book instead. This forum has great info but it is not organized in logical order like a book is. <a href="" target="_blank">Host Sea Anenome Secrets</a> is a great place to start and is only $8.99 on-line. It's just 36 pages, but it will answer all your basic questions.
Good luck
P.S. I have kept a Seabae and Perc Clown for over a year and it has trippled in size, so it can be done.


It's good that you have a ClarkII clown.
This particular type of clownfish will host in Condylatus Anemone. They are so call "Extremly hardy".
You still have to put your responsible into account like water condition, light, feeding etc.
The most interesting thing that I like the most between Clownfish and anemonies is not from the clownfish rub the body inside the anemone. But it's the time your clownfish feeding the anemone.