

New Member
I just got an anenome and when I put it in my tank it was on the live rock. It then proceeded to fall to the sand floor of the tank on its side. Should I turn him upright or leave it alone?


Active Member
Need more information.
What kind of anemone? What are your water conditions like (readings)? Lighting? Did it ever grab the rock with it's foot?
Some anemone's are more at home on the substrate than on the rock work. Either way, I would turn it right side up at a minimum.
Make sure you don't have too much current blowing it around, at least until it attaches.


If its healthy and h20 parameters ok, then it will find a place on its own. And if everything is in check it will turn itself up on its own as well. If something is wrong w/ it trying to reposition it isn't going to help it anyways. Like the other post said depending on the type it prefers different locations. If its a condi or carpet it may never settle in one place.