

New Member
I purchased a seabae anenome on Tuesday 2/18/03. When I first put it in the tank it was going all over the place and I was assuming it was finding its niche. It seems that it is always upside down or latching on to the rock with it's tentacles (I don't know what they are called) but I am always seeing the bottom of it. Does anyone know why it is doing this? Thanks
So your anenome is always mooning you? :D
Seriously, what I've learned is that you can't put an anenome where you want it to go - they will find a comfortable spot for themselves. So yours might still be finding its comfort area.
Have you noticed the anenome eating? Tell us a little bit more about your system. Do you have sand as your substrate? Do you have LR? Anenomes need good lighting. How much lighting do you have?


New Member
Hi Mike, thank you for your reply. Sorry for the delay in my response but I haven't been able to get on this site for some reason. I haven't noticed the anenome eating; however, we were told it is a filter feeder and were given a liquid to put in the water. We have a 55 gallon tank and 50 lbs of live rock. Our tank has been up and running for over a year now. We have custom sea life power compact lighting (2 lights 32 watts each). I just looked at it and now it is completely under one of the rocks and it appears to be on its side. Is it possible that our lights are too strong? It's very strange.


Funny how anenomes never seem to stay where you want them too. Never fails they always end up right next to your most expensive coral or in the corner of your tank barely in sight.


from what i know most anemones need to be target feed with a piece of squid clam krill or silversides.
Also what color is your seabe


i jsut read it again, and correct me if im wrong, but you only have 64 watts over your 55g. That is not nearly enough for an anemone


New Member
Yes, I did say 64 watts. This is a very frustrating hobby because everyone tells me different information. The guy at our LFS told us that we possibly had too much lighting in our tank and that is what caused our last anenome to die. This one has been in our tank for about one week now. If we didn't have enough lighting then why does it appear that it is hiding under the rock to get away from the lighting? The bottle we have says it is for anenomes and I have heard you can either feed them with the liquid or with a turkey baster (squid or flake) I could not even get to it to feed it anyway because it is under the rock. It's white with purple tips (to answer someone else's question) This will for sure be the last anenome I buy. I thought it would be a nice thing to have for my tomato clown but he has been living very happily without one. I have a Monarch Damsel in there and he is very mean. Would like to add more fish but I am afraid to because he terroizes everything in the tank now. If I could catch him..............anyway I am thinking I should scoop up the anenome and take him back to the pet store. I don't want him to die.
You need to upgrade your lighting if you hope to successfully keep the anenome. Anenomes require strong lighting - at least 3 to 4 watts per gallon. The white color of your sebae's tentacles is not its natural color - it's natural color is more of a brownish color. It has that white color because it has lost its zooxanthellae. I agree with Marco333, they need to be target fed (mine seems to really like squid and krill) - just drop a piece of food on its tentacles and you should see it respond.
I am certainly not an expert on anenomes - I'm just passing on the information that I've read and gathered.
I know its frustrating when you get conflicting advice. This board though is a GREAT resouce - the people here are passionate about this hobby and want to share their experiences and knowledge for free - many (not all) LFS just want your $$$.
Also, in trying to make a joke, I said something incorrect - it's not their bottom but technically their "foot" that you're always seeing - since they expel their wastes through their mouths.


New Member
Thank you very much for your response. I fed the anenome today with a turkey baster (squid) After of course I dug him out from underneath the rock (the rock forms a dome) dont want people to think he's getting smashed. He was really responsive to that. The squid stuck to the tentacles and he was transferring the food it it's mouth---> (?). I would really like to be successful with this creature so I think I will order stronger lighting. Thank you for the advice.