Ive noticed that everyones against buying anenomes due to short life span in captivity but what about corals life span? I was at lfs and asked about a coral just wanted to know how hard to keep,forget the name. He vilunteered information of 6months to two years. what are average life spans? I do'nt agree with people buying anems but have done my killing of them before i found this bb now atleast i have knowledge. I may try buble if i get real good at my tank but just one. I feel this like any of the birds,lizards ect is kindda robing enviorment. Even if you stop buying someone will and theres a better chance of them living in one of our tanks than beginers. And what about fish i see this fish store near me that has a ton of fish and are very high priced i see alot dying if they lowered price they would sell more and kill less due to overstocked tanks and stress i feel sorry for all the animals but i know it wo'nt stop. People are the worst animals on the earth 90% suck. I WISH WE COULD ALL JUST GET ALONG. <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" /> sorry i just thought i'd have to say something i'm tired about reading about why should'nt buy anenome and then people at the end asking what kind they should buy it's driving me insane. But for the good you people have done i'm not going to buy much more you made me think about it ALOT!