anenomes...meaty food


Active Member
i feed mine a peice of shrimp every other day, i place the shrimp within his tenticals and he eats eat, it think they like silversides too.


Mysis Shrimp, raw table shrimp (what you can get from the seafood counter), sliversides, clownfish? Ok, unless you are unlucky, everything but the last one should work.



The food would be clam, squid, fish flesh...even UNCOOKED table shrimp that you and I would eat. I used to thaw a shrimp out, take the shell off and just drop it to him. Spot fed just means making sure the anemone gets it and not all the other animals - shrimp and fish will readily steal your anemones meal.
However after years of feeding my carpet anemone once or so a week, I read that it is not necessary. Anemones get most of what they need from light, so feeding meat isn't the way to go. Anyone have any input on this as I'm not 100% sure.


Active Member
i use the raw shrimp from grocery store. everything on here that is listed would be good this is just what i use. it might not be something that is needed but i just feed him bc he likes it...........


You can buy silversides(small fish) from you LFS. I feed my BTA once or twice a week. Remember to make sure the food is thawed out all the way and use small pieces, about the size of it's mouth. My BTA is about 6 in accross and I feed half a silverside.


For the folks that hand feed their anenomes. are you concerned about getting stung? If you have been painfull is it.
I get the frozen krill at my local LFS and thaw it out, then just put it in the tank and my clarkie comes up gets it and gives it to him. I have moved mine away from the filter by hand and he just more or less sticks to your fingers( LTA)


Hmmmmm....interesting. Reading the warnings about death/injury upon purchasing these animals. Wasnt sure what to expect. I guess it's more or less a standard warning in case of alergic reactions from a sting.


I feed using a stick, you just have to be very gentle. I used to have local anemones that I got out of the gulf and they never stung me, when I touched then they just stuck to my finger like velcro. I try to always use gloves with exotic anemones. You can't be too carefull. It's hard to know what you might be alergic to and some of these anemones can pack a punch. Same goes with corals.