

I have had some trouble keeping anemones in my tank. The longest I have kept them is about 2 days. I do have some real small ones on my LR and I've had them for over 3 months. The problem is with Pink tip's and Florida Condi. My pH is 8.2, temp 82, salinity normal and I have a PC lighting with extra flourescent lights. Can anyone help me keep them in my tank?


I am no expert either I lost 2 of mine as well, I was told they need some water flo, so I bought a PH and gave them some slight current, but still lost one, I was about to give up on them as well... I had my clownfish loving it too, but one day I came home from work and it was totally shrivled up and dead....


Active Member
Anemones need tanks that have been going for awhile everyone I have talked to sais to wait at least 6 months before trying anemones. And they do need current to do well you may also want to research on that anemone and see what it needs cuase they are diffrent.


My tank has been set up for almost 7 months now. I will make sure I have a current next time. I was debating on whether to have one or not, but it sounds like I need one if I have an anemone. Will the current mess with my flame angel who I think needs to have stationary food and not to hunt for it.


Ammonia and nitrate levels are normal. I haven't had any trouble out of that since I started the tank 7 months ago.
Acclimation is letting is float for approx 30 min, then slowly adding some of my water into the bag for about another 30-45 minutes. After that I put it into the tank. It was good for a day, then it slowly started shrinking and now it is dead.


Active Member
Acclimation shock. Anytime you bring home anemones or any coral or invert, you should always drip acclimate them. This will make it easier on them. Works well on fish as well. This site as info on how to drip acclimate.


Anemones only need to be temp acclimated. Your problem is something else. Not sure why they would die so fast in your tank. How do they look when buying them? You may be buying ones that are already dying.


Active Member
Anemones need to be acclimated slowly. MOst of their body is made up of water so they are very sensitive to water changes. If they are not acclimated right they will die.


Active Member
82 is ok but it is on the high side. try and see if you can bring it down to atleast 80. I try to keep my temp within 78-82. Any under or over and ill try and fix it.


I've noticed a lot of condys look neglected at most shops. I got mine full of color from the start and it's been great for a long time. I know they need strong light but I think a good flow is also important.


I have a huge condi, its base is around 4 inches. I also bought mine when it was full of color and it is doing great even after trying to crawl into the intake on my power head. Im glad it didnt chop its arms off by doing that!


Active Member
Just make sure your salinity is around 35-36ppt or sp around 1.025-1.026 Ammonia nitrite should be 0 as well as nitrates but not usually a threat unless it is out of control. And be sure to acclimate them properly and they should live. They require strong light and good flow. Ive kept condis and bta succesfully under 260w pc but this is only enough for them to live. They probably be happier under strong mh lights.


I would love to have MH lights, but I can't afford them. The best I can do it the PC lighting that I have.