angel acting weird, small fish diying


i bought this 3 fish that are blue and green (shiny) and small. i have had them for a week, it look that they were not eating pellets, because they ate them but they were to big for their mouth so i start dropping Zooplex from kent marine. after i did that, one of the 3 appeared dead the next day, after that another one die and the last one is acting the same way.
my angel is scratching his eye with rocks or stuff that i have in the tank.
what to do?


possible that they are chromis/ try flake food not sure about angel but check the diesse board and good luck


Active Member
sounds like your angel has ich. Check out the deasese board for that. Did you introduce all of the fish at one time??? did you check your water parameters at all durring that time??? Esp Ammonia???


yes it could be that but i have seen my tang do that in a territorial manner. if you don't see white spots on him he's probably just trying to show off.