Angel and Anemones??


I have a yellowfin angel and two clown currently in my QT. I am getting ready to move them to my 55G display that has great water flow. I wanted to know if I can purchase an anemone and put it in the 55G. I know that the clowns are ok for them, but what about the angel??? Thanks!

mr. limpid

Active Member
The angel should be reef safe. What kind of lights do you have for this anemone? Also just a reminder you'll need to QT the anemone for at least 8 weeks.


Currently keeping 12 various types of Anemones. My oldest I've had captive in 9 years of age. They do fine with critters unless the critter gets to the anemone grasp. Most fishes instinctively know to keep distance. I have Banggai cardinalfish that will swim straight through an LTA.
I do
Careful Acclimation, Superior Water Quality, Photo-Acclimation and observe care and husbandry during and after photo-acclimation while closely monitoring and inspection of anemone behavior and health such as intact foot and mouth. I also vary diet consisting of chopped fresh seafood such as wild caught raw shrimp, PE Mysis and Krill.
Can't say I've ever kept one in QT like I do fishes though.
I said all that to say that IMHO you will be fine with pristine water conditions and proper lighting as well. Enjoy. :)

mr. limpid

Active Member
I say QT every thing wet, the way parasites are running ramped now a days. LFS usually keep these in same tank as clowns, the only way I may trust if they where in there own separate system void of fish.

mr. limpid

Active Member
A lot both anemone and Xenia's need light to produce algae inside there technicals for food. For your size tank you would need a 6 bulb T5 fixture, metal halide or LED (3watt).


right on! thank you for the feedback.
considering my light situation and tank size (55G), what kind of corals would I be able to keep in there? I also have a 9W LED light on my QT that I can move to one side of the DT (Its only 24" long) and has 9 bulbs, 6 White, 3 Blue, each 1 Watt.


Whatever you do.., do not dip your anemone in the fresh water as it will kill it....I know one guy who did it...ugh. Anemones are mostly water as we well know.
IME of 34 years having anemones you do NOT need to quarantine them in terms of deseases or parasites. In fact, if your quarantine tank has marginal lighting and amrginal filtration your anemone most likely will perish in a few days. Don't forget, this creatures go through hell during collection and shipping...various salinity in the holding tanks, constant movement, natural settings will not be the same in a QT/Hospital tank either...and what if you had QT'd using copper or even less harsh methods of cleansing for fishes at some point...does one really want to attempt QT of inverts...shrimp, anemones and many more?
Just my 2 cents.

mr. limpid

Active Member
"IME of 34 years having anemones you do NOT need to quarantine them in terms of diseases or parasites" oceandude you are correct that the animal itself dose not carry any diseases or parasite, but the water it is in may, or even the ick in its tomite stage can stick to anemone's body. So QT every thing wet is still my suggestion.


Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/389378/angel-and-anemones#post_3441797
"IME of 34 years having anemones you do NOT need to quarantine them in terms of diseases or parasites" oceandude you are correct that the animal itself dose not carry any diseases or parasite, but the water it is in may, or even the ick in its tomite stage can stick to anemone's body. So QT every thing wet is still my suggestion.
Definitely respect your opinion. Nothing wrong with two or more debating...great way for all of us to learn, and that makes a good healthy forum. And, I'll be the first to say that if it works for someone, no need to change it...and what works for one does not always work for, I honestly respect you and your opinion. :)

mr. limpid

Active Member
Nothing like healthy debating, always looking for different ideas. Definitely respect the opinion of anyone reefing for 34 years and keeping anemones alive for 9 years. I had one for about 2 years it out grew my 20 gal reef and I knew my butterflies would of had a great meal if I put in the big tank. So gave it to pal down the street, he didn't do well with it.


Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/389378/angel-and-anemones#post_3441875
Nothing like healthy debating, always looking for different ideas. Definitely respect the opinion of anyone reefing for 34 years and keeping anemones alive for 9 years. I had one for about 2 years it out grew my 20 gal reef and I knew my butterflies would of had a great meal if I put in the big tank. So gave it to pal down the street, he didn't do well with it.
Ouch, I know that hurt to see your critter of two years fail after giving it away. I do the same as you...give fishes, no matter what they cost if in peril of danger from others...props!