Angel Fish, Dwarf Angel??


My lfs told me I could put a true angel fish in with my coral beauty angel. Is that true, or will the True Angel kill the coral beauty?
He also told me that since it looks sort of like a Tang, my Yellow Tang will attack it unless I add 2 fish at the same time. Is this true? He suggested another Tang, or a butterfly fish.
I have a 125 gallon and really only want to add one fish, although I could add two if I watch the adult size of the fish I pick.


Originally Posted by b2bwest
My lfs told me I could put a true angel fish in with my coral beauty angel. Is that true, or will the True Angel kill the coral beauty?
He also told me that since it looks sort of like a Tang, my Yellow Tang will attack it unless I add 2 fish at the same time. Is this true? He suggested another Tang, or a butterfly fish.
I have a 125 gallon and really only want to add one fish, although I could add two if I watch the adult size of the fish I pick.
Step away from that LFS. A dwarf with a true angel is a gamble, it depends on what is in the tank and how big it is. He is blowing smoke saying that you have to add all of these fish at once. What do you want in the tank and what is there now?


I have:
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Coral Beauty Angel
3 Tank Raised Common Clownfish
1 purpleback pseudo (but I think I might have to get rid of him because mysteriously one of my cleaner shrimp disappeared)
1 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
1 blue Linka Star
lots of hermits
lots of snails
1 green emerald crab
I would like to add something like a Blue Ring Angel, or a Tomini Tang.


Oh, and I have some corals (I'm just starting to build a reef). I have a few mushrooms and a green leather (I think it's called a green tree leather or a rasta leather).
So whatever fish I get must be reef safe as well.


Originally Posted by b2bwest
Oh, and I have some corals (I'm just starting to build a reef). I have a few mushrooms and a green leather (I think it's called a green tree leather or a rasta leather).
So whatever fish I get must be reef safe as well.
Your dwarf is likely to pick. A regular angel, of any kind, is not reef safe at all.


Active Member
If you're doing a reef a dwarf is going to be hit or miss but more likely than not he'll enjoy a tasty coral or two. A big angel is going to be a serious problem.
i've personally had no problem with my imperator and my two dwarf angels. ButI had an 180 gallon tank. and the imperator is a juvi. And I have been very fortunate with all my fish being very mellow.


My Coral Beauty doesn't touch the soft corals I have now (mushrooms, green rasta leather, ricoria (SP?) and I have something that is brown and looks like a tree).
I've read that a Majestic Angel is the most trustworthy of all true angels (although they will nip at Stoney Corals and clams - which I don't have). Would that attach my Coral Beauty? I've also read that if you add the angel after the corals, you stand a better chance.
I've also read that Emperor Angels ignore soft corals altogether. I'll probably be sticking with just the soft corals - as they require a bit less light.
Majestic Angel, Emperor Angel or a Tomini Tang? Or is it still an overwhelming NO to all of these with the fish and corals I have now?


I dont think you should put to angels in the same tank. From everything I have read it says they will fight until one of them kills the other.


Anyone out there have a dwarf with a true angelfish in a 125 gallon tank?
Do they fight, or do they leave each other alone after some initial aggression?
Again, specificially looking at Majestic or Emperor Angel added to my tank with a Coral Beauty (Dwarf) already in there.
Or anyone have a Tomini Tang -- if so, will it be attacked by my Yellow Tang or Blue Hippo?


Originally Posted by b2bwest
Anyone out there have a dwarf with a true angelfish in a 125 gallon tank?
Do they fight, or do they leave each other alone after some initial aggression?
Again, specificially looking at Majestic or Emperor Angel added to my tank with a Coral Beauty (Dwarf) already in there.
Or anyone have a Tomini Tang -- if so, will it be attacked by my Yellow Tang or Blue Hippo?


Active Member
IME, large angels rarely pester their smaller cousins (centropyges). I've kept and currently keep this combination w/o issues. Majestics are pretty laid back as far as a large angel goes, and Emperors are not that far removed. You should be fine in terms of compatability. Their reef compatability is another matter and often it depends on the individual fish.


Originally Posted by nicetry
IME, large angels rarely pester their smaller cousins (centropyges). I've kept and currently keep this combination w/o issues. Majestics are pretty laid back as far as a large angel goes, and Emperors are not that far removed. You should be fine in terms of compatability. Their reef compatability is another matter and often it depends on the individual fish.
THank you! I think I'll give it a go - the corals I have were relatively cheap - and I've heard if they are in first the angel will usually leave it alone as long as he's fed right and fed enough.
Do you have any soft corals in your tank? If so, does your Angel nip them?