angel fish find


Originally Posted by saltn00b
is that a PS chop shop job, or are there two angels in there?
you will need to remove one.
unless they are a mated pair; which seems like the case


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
is that a PS chop shop job, or are there two angels in there?
you will need to remove one.

skrue that .. don't remove them .. if they're swimming together constantly their probably a pair .. in that case ...
:jumping: :joy: .. LUCKY! .. I wish i had a pair of regals .. but alas .. I'm only gonna get one .. sometime soon though ... good luck with your regals .. :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
is that a PS chop shop job,
looks like one to me....IMO, they look too idintical, lightings not right, too small for full adult colors compared to others in the tank and ones about to be a nice meal for that LTA....


Active Member
how long have you had them?
and what size tank is it?
and by the way LLLLLUUCCKKKYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nm reef

Active Member
The Regal Angelfish is difficult to keep, is very solitary (rarely found in pairs), and is a finicky eater needing sponges to survive. Because of these challenges, this a fish that will not be seen in many community aquariums. But it is a beautiful fish!
You may want to do a bit of research on your new additions....


This picture looks a bit fishy to me...
Looks like those angels have been photoshopped in.. they are identical look @ the back fin..


Active Member
ya now that i look at it it does look kinda fake well actually really fake. both of them look identical and they are both really bright and it doesn't seem like anything else is really bright. Hmmmm?????????IDK.


you guys are to funny. the tags are to tell me what i have in the tank and the dates i got them.they are called labels not price tags....


Active Member
it's not the same fish .. zoom in and look beneath both of their eyes .. but it does look like the same fish form the view back here .. also .. as for the lighting .. if you didn't notice he took this with the flash on .. so the closer the fish is to the glass the brighter the color it will be


This is not a shop. I can tell from teh pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time...LOL
But seriously tho..... if u look at the 2 blue fish (blue chromis?) near the top left, they look exactly identical (the parts u can see anyway)... Dont think its shopped


Active Member
wow i looked closely at this picture and there are some things that stood out as fake looking,
the two damsels in the back are almost identical, and the left on looks like the jutting rock cuts it off too sharply. the angels are almost identical
i say almost because there are some very slight differences and unless you are rediculously talented with photoshop, to pull off the slight changes seemlessly, IMO its a real there is no motivation except bragging rights, soo...


Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: nj
Posts: 180
where is NJ are you going saneing;
or are the angel fish not what you really found :thinking: