angel fish find

mr. guitar

I've looked at the pictures for about 10 minutes and still think it's Photoshopped. Fishfryer please tell me if I am wrong and out of my mind. For me to believe that picture is real I would like to see a video of the fish in your tank...If you don't mind. Thanks!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
what is seining / saneing anyway ?
never heard this term
this is a funny thread btw lol
seining is where are large width small mesh net is dragged through the water trapping everything in it. Used alot in the south to catch bait fish.


shogun323 I think they are stickers from Walmart stuck on the glass!!
thats funny, it probably is
so give me more details on the feeding .. how long did it take him to take his first bite of food in your tank?
it took about 4-5 days


Active Member
.......come on guys... are you serious? that is obviously photoshopped..... The second i saw it there was no doubt in my mind..... and as far as the pixels when you pull them up, they could easily be different depending on how the pixels are layed t and where the fish is in relation to the layout....
i mean, it looks like a clipart just stuck on there..... it is so obvious...

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by fishieness
.......come on guys... are you serious? that is obviously photoshopped..... The second i saw it there was no doubt in my mind..... and as far as the pixels when you pull them up, they could easily be different depending on how the pixels are layed t and where the fish is in relation to the layout....
i mean, it looks like a clipart just stuck on there..... it is so obvious...


tx reef

Active Member
The fact that he has not posted another pic and has not responded to the thread since yeterday leads me to believe that the picture is photo shopped.
If so, just tell us. I think it is a great PS pic if that is what it is.
Otherwise, prove us wrong.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by lukeb321
>>>what's so funny? .. did you photoshop themin or something?<<<
Photoshop? NO WAY !!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by Jam1e
haha .. yeah I guess I ran right into that one .. lol .. that's really funny
but see.... at least that pair ALMOST looks like it isnt photshopped :hilarious lol