angel fish for a 55 gal... ideas please


hey everybody just wondering what would be the best angel fish for a 55 gallon... probably going to be my "center piece":happyfish


bicolor is also colorful and gets larger than most of the dwarf angelfish. all angelfish need a matured tank of 3-4 months with microalgae growth for the best chances of survival. no large angels should go in a 55g.


Active Member
any sort of dwarf angel would work well in your tank. provided the following..
you have lots of live rock.
your tank has been running for six months with said live rock.
you are willing to provide a wide variety diet.
when i say the diet you need to treat these guys just like a full sized angel. they need quite a bit of algae and meaty foods. the more variety the better off you will be.
as a side note make sure whatever you do get is eating before you take it home. bicolor angels are notoriously picky eaters. your best bet is a flame or coral beauty.


thanks guys... just trying to plan out what i want in the tank.. i have a order of live rock coming in.. probably let that be in the tank till the end of summer before i go and get a angel... thanks for the information thou.. really appreciate it... i knew that angels needed a lot of room to swim and all.. but they are soo kool the way their colors are...
again thanks..
by the way i like that lemon peel.. ill get that one end of summer..:jumping:


i dont think very big, i know the bi color is one of the largest dwarf angels, and grow to around 6 inches


i have a 6in bicolor, awesome fish and eats like a pig. mine was in captivity awhile before i got him and had grown acoustom to tank life. he shares a 175g with a flame and lemonpeel and he did chase around the lemonpeel for a few weeks but ignores him now. all dwarf angels are cool but some do better than others in tanks, i think how well their taken care of during collection and in their new tank has a big impact on how well most of them do longterm. goodluck


We got a flame angel and put him in a 55. He done very well,we took the 55 down to upgrade to a 92 corner so he's in a 29 gal. right now and still doing well. We have ricordias,polyps,leather corals and he's never bothered a thing.Their minimum requirements for a tank is a20 gallons.We have a sargeant major,4- percs,anenome,hermits,snails,crabs,urchin,and a coral banded and they all get along and leave the corals and such alone.There are other angels I like better but they weren't good for our reef tank.