Angel Fish Help


New Member
I just bought a a balck and white Angel, thats what it was called in the store it's about 2" long. Anyways i put him in the tank with a rusty angel because it said his temperment was peaceful but it seems like they are fighting. What should i do. Please help lol thanks


you did not say how big your tank is. and i am woundering if you are talking about a key hole angle is it mostly black with a white spot on its side and have a yellow line on its tail. if your tank is big enough they should settle down in a day or so some times they will not and you will have to remove one but i would give them a day or so. if you did not add it that long ago try turning the lights out for a while. hope this helps


im betting youre talking about the vroliki dwarf angel. and if so, any dwarf for that matter, will most likely NOT be able to get along with the other dwarf. some people have had success but only after many deaths or fighting to find the right combo of dwarfs. my suggestion would be to remove the one and return him to the store.