Angel Fish


Active Member
I have a 125 gal tank. Which angel would be a good addition, I have some soft corals, Gorgonian, and some anenomies, will it bother them?? thanx in advance Todd


Active Member
angels are not reef safe they tend to nip at corals and the mantels of clams, but some people do keep them in reefs


Active Member
i think they're not reef safe either, but mine eat my feather dusters and cleaning my tank of all the pods


Active Member
Many angels are hit or miss. Example I've had no problems with coral beauty or lemonpeel. ALSO just got a sribble angelfish and he has not bothered anything. I know others have not had the same experience with these fish. I personally would give it a try but be ready to remove if the start nipping. I've been fortunate.
By the way I have'rooms, frogspawn, and RBTA's.
Good luck.


Active Member
Speaking of angels, what is the minimum size tank required for a Lemonpeel, if that would be the biggest fish in tank?


what would be the minimum size tank for a Juvenille Emperor Angel? (disregard my tank size, im probably getting a 55 gal.)


Active Member
30 IMO is to small for a dwarf angel they like to graze on LR and need more room to be active but many people do keep them in small tanks like a 30


Active Member

Originally posted by swimrnum1
what would be the minimum size tank for a Juvenille Emperor Angel? (disregard my tank size, im probably getting a 55 gal.)

Would recomend a 125 gallon, may be able to get away with a 75 for a year or so.



Originally posted by Clown52
I had a flame angel that ate half my brain.....:sleepy:

You should have taken your head out of the tank a little faster then...:D
Sorry, joking around :rolleyes:


I'm definitely not saying that any angel is reef safe but I had a flame angel in my 55g (died from ich outbreak) and now have one in my 125g. Mine have never touched any corals and love to graze all around them. I've noticed that when you buy fish when they are younger they tend to do better about not eating things, maybe because they don't know the taste from the ocean. Oh well all I'm saying is that it may be possible but be prepared.