
We had a coral beauty it died... Now we have a Lemon peel it's dying too. What is wrong?? Are they not good fish to have. Everything else is fine, water was just tested it is fine. No one is sick. We were feeding the same as other fish,and went and bought some seaweed wafers yesterday, she ate those good. Please help <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


New Member
really sorry to hear that, ironically I just picked up my beauty yesterday and was planning on getting a lemonpeel soon. Did they get any visible parasites first or slowly lost there appetites. What happened?


Angels are hard to keep- if your tank is less than 6 months old, or doesn't have a lot of LiveRock, the odds are against you. Amongst other things, they are sensitive to copper and other metals, so if you've ever treated your tank with anything, you will have a real problem.
When I first started, my LFS sold me a C. Beauty for my 6 week old tank. Needless to say, it lasted a week. I added a Flame a few months ;ater (they are supposedly a little hardier) and had her for a year- would still have here if I hadn't created a disaster of my own making.
Squid- unless you have a very very big tank, dwarf angels do not play well together- one will almost certainly kill the other.


No they did not have anything wrong with them,but yes they did lose their appetite. They went from swimming around one day to hiding behind the lr the next day, and dying the next. We just had our water tested and low ph levels might have done it. We have a test kit at home, but apparently it's not testing right. Please check the expiration date if you are using a home kit.


i have coral beauty and bi color angel in 55 gallons tank and they are quite hardy. did u check the fish body, eyes, gills, how they swimming before u bought it???? may be the fish is sick to begin with.


I'm very interested in getting a flame angel and am glad to see some of the info. I just read here. I'm resetting up a 70 gal. tank after a remodeling job in our house and I'm determined to do it right. I got the tank, which was 4 years matured, with all the stuff, (FREE) from a neighbor this past summer. I had to dismantle it to move it for our new carpet. So, for the last 2 and 1/2 months my little guys are surviving just fine in a 30 gal. temporary tank. I had to wait that long to start the reconstruction because I've been eagerly awaiting my transfer of southdown sand from Minnesota. I just picked up 200 lbs. of it (I'm pretty sure that will be plenty) and now I'm ready to roll! I'm rebuilding the 70 gal with a DSB (formerly CC) and am doing all the research like a good girl so that everything will be "just right." Or at least as close as I can get... :)


There has been alot of discussion of late on various boards about the dismal survival of pygmy angels in general. Most seem to think it's due to poor collection practices. A bunch of fish stores have quit ordering them because they just keep dying.
I have a Flame angel, Lemonpeel angel, and a coral beauty. The youngest is two years old. I always waited at least 6 months after setting up a tank to get one, and made sure I had plenty of algae available to them, as they are constant browsers.