Angel fish ??


i am intresting in getting an angel fish 2 is possible.BUt i have some questions if anyone can help.
can there be 2 angels in a tank together?
what do they eat? pretty much the same as tangs algae,flake foods,etc..?
will an angel fish be fine with a lionfish? will he clip his fins and such??
what would be a good clean up crew for an angel? do they eat hermits,snails???
any suggestions/questions.comments greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Angels usually do not go together. Of course there have been exceptions to the rule. Depends on size of tank also. Should be ok with lion and cuc, but 50/50 with any corals. Their diet is mixed veggi, meat, and some sponge. Need mature LR to graze and stable water.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
What size aquarium do you have?
Almost always, 2 angelfish do not get along.
i have a 140g tank and very good LR its all very mature awesome colors all over all of them.
I definetly want to get a emporor angel and a qeen if possible.
Any angels that are some what known with being ok with a emporor angel??


i had an emperor, a queen and a french in a 210(the french and emperor were juvies) queens was about 7". they got along fine. once in awhile the french and the emperor would go at it . there are many threads on here regarding people with multiple angels,.but its gamble. it may or may not work. it all depends when they were introduced and size. most lfs and books will tell you not to mix large angels but there are many factors involved and of course luck .
Originally Posted by peter1215
most lfs and books will tell you not to mix large angels but there are many factors involved and of course luck .
Very true, in my experience if you add two dwarfs at the same time to a new environment they can get along well. I'm not sure if this "rule" applies to large angels.


Originally Posted by Seagoblin333
Very true, in my experience if you add two dwarfs at the same time to a new environment they can get along well. I'm not sure if this "rule" applies to large angels.

So its pretty much like puffer fish? if you get lucky pretty much.
im intrested in large angels so i might take a chance and try it


I think i narrowed it down to an emperor angel and a queen angel. i heard they might be ok together becasue (supposedly from what ive heard) angel fish are mean to other angel fish that have the same shape as them. almost like how tangs are with colors.
does anyone have any comments/ suggestions on this??


More than the shape, I would try to get them from different GENUS. for example queen blelong to "Holacanthus" and Emperors are from the Pomcanthus genus. As may have been mentioned previously, if you can put them in simotaneously will be bettor. I you get them separately then you will have to partially rearranged your aquascape when introducing the new angel. you may even have to move one temporarily to a QT there is constant harrasment. BTW this combe (queen & emperor) has worked well for me.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist, I tried putting a queen angel and a blue face together,and the queen angel ruled the tank,and still does.I had no other choice but to give a fellow hobbyist the blue faced angel fish and I kept the queen angel . Queen angelfish are very aggressive and should be added last,just like yellow tangs . Under no circumstances was I about to give away the queen angel fish .( My wife brought it for my birthday two years ago,
and when she brought it , it was 2"and cost $166.00 ,now its 7" and just about 3/4'' thick ).
. So, if your going to purchase one ,make sure it's a juvenile, and add it last to your aquarium .


well i have dfinetly heard this before that you should add them at the same time and ive also heard to add the more aggresive last! lol i think im gonna try and do them at the same time. i think they might do fine that way. im trying to get the empoeror angel in mid changing i dont want it to small like a straight juvi. i would like a medium angel in mid change. and the queen about medium sized so im trying to get both of them at 3" to 5" and add them at the same time!
i have my aquascape set up rather nice for angels theres 2 seprate rock structures both with caves and both about 60p each it took me a couple days to be happy with it but i finally got there lol
but i plan on ordering them soon.
im really excited and i hope it turns out perfect!


New Member
I've been able to put a dwarf and a large angel together without a problem. I added them at the same time though.


New Member
Not long. Until they sold. I work at an LFS and if we get in more angels than tanks, things start to get tough. If I have to put two angels together I do one of genus centropyge and one of genus pomacanthus. We have 80 gallon tanks, they do just fine. I had to put a juvenile emperor and a bicolor together yesterday.