angel food


Active Member
i got myself a 6 inch emporer angelfish today.i know they need sponge in their there a shelf food made of sponge?


Active Member

There also is Hikara Mega Marine Angel, that also has sponge, but I like the Ocean Nutrition stuff, pictured above, better. It has slightly better nutrition percentage, and it sinks instead of floating like the Hikari stuff.
In addition to the sponge-based food, the Angel will also need algae, dried seaweed sheets on the clip is usually the easiest, and some meaty foods, clams, scallops, squid, etc.


Active Member
thanks,i make my own food with every raw seafood i can find at the thailand grocery store,plus the seaweed on the clip.i will look for the food you mentioned.
i will get a pic up tomorrow since i will be home all day putting metal stall frame i built for my wifes donkeys .supposed to be 103 tomorrow.gunna be a great day off from working in the heat all week.


Active Member
wow really need to wash the a yellow tang plus my supplier gave me the dogface.he said he has had it for a month and nobody seems to want him.i seen the angel and dogface there 5 weeks ago when i bought my male and female triggers which are now in my dt.