angel guestion


New Member
I currently have a 200 gallon reef. I have a small eblii angel in it which is doing great. I have the opportunity to get a centropyge aurantius at an excellent price. The golden is a beautiful fish but I'm concerned that the two, both being centropyge species, will fight. Is the 200 big enough that they might co-exist? :thinking:


Its possible that they may coexist. Angels do have a tendency to not like each other, but in a tank that size they may have enough room to each have their own territory. Personalities vary from fish to fish also. You could try it and see how it works. You may have to remove one if they fight, which could definately be a challenge to catch in a reef tank.
I don't have much experience with those particular species, but have kept a coral beauty and a flame together in a 125 with no problems.


Active Member
osufarker is correct sometimes they get along and sometimes they dont, I have kept a flame and a Ebili together but took sometime to find a one that the flame would tolerate


New Member
Thank you for your replies. I guess I may just have to give it a try. Like you say though, good luck gettin em out of that reef....