angel in reef


Firstly, Majestic Angels are extremely difficult to keep in captivity. They require LOTS of space and pristine water quality. They tend to thrive ONLY in reef tanks but they are prone to nipping at corals and other fish. I personally would not get a majestic angel because to me they are best left in the ocean.
HTH - David
Hard to keep!? <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" />
In my past experience This one is one of my longest saltwater creature I ever kept! Kept just only one in a 29 gallon fish-only for two years <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> Until I added two more fishes and screwed up ammonia then wiped all out! Regretted for add more fishes in it!
After I get a perament residence and get myself a huge tank I will get Majestic Angelfish without hesiate and I will challenge for Regal Angelfish in a well established tank!
If you are in a budget Please shop around that you can afford and start with juv. They will be shy at beginning then get used with you later on. ;)


I just got rid of my Coral Beauty. He was eating my corals. He ate half a my Xenias. I caught him picking at my star polyps. I thought it was my emerald crab but ended up being the beauty. Took him back to the lfs and got a cleaner and a pepermint shrimp for him. They get their shipment in on friday so they didn't have any fish I wanted.


I have never owned a Majestic Angel, I have only read about them in several books, all of which recommend against getting one. It is really up to you, everyone has different experiences...but just think of the future before you buy one. For example, Is the tank big enough? , can you provide a hospital tank if he gets sick? , etc. Just some good things to think about before investing that much money into a fish :)