Angel Question?


-My first post
Hi everyone,
I am a new hobbyist and am getting my first take in about 2 months from my dads girlfriend. It is a 60 gallon tank and I am planning on eventually getting an angel what angels to you suggest for this tank size? Also I would love to get a queen but it says min. of 100 gallons. So is it possible to keep one in a take of my size? thx everyone!


Active Member
No its not okay. You could keep a pygmy in there such as a coral beauty or a flame angel (there are others). Please read everything on this site that you can before you start your tank.


My advice is to plan your tank carefully before deciding on any fish. Do you want a reef or fish only? What other fish are you interested in? What kind of invertebrates do you want? All of these play a role in what you can have. I've found that keeping a saltwater aquarium is like a puzzle. Trying to fit the different animals together harmoniously is a little tricky.
I researched after I built the tank and was also disappointed when I found out that my 90 gallon was too small for angels. You can have dwarf angels, but I know that isn't really what you had in mind. There are many other beautiful fish out there though. Just keep researching and you will find some you like.
I almost forgot! Welcome to the boards! This is a great place to get lots of information.


Thx for the reply i figured it would not be the best choice but was just checking. The next angel i had in mind was the potters angel, I understand it is a more difficult angel and would wait untill the tank is establised.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mony97
Thx for the reply i figured it would not be the best choice but was just checking. The next angel i had in mind was the potters angel, I understand it is a more difficult angel and would wait untill the tank is establised.
As a beginner, there are a lot of easy, beautiful Dwarf Angels you can try, Potters would not be one of them....Flame, Coral Beauty, Ebili, and so on are great choices....A lot of Dwarf Angels take a little time to start eating prepared food, so having Live Rock with some decent growth on it is a plus.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
As a beginner, there are a lot of easy, beautiful Dwarf Angels you can try, Potters would not be one of them....Flame, Coral Beauty, Ebili, and so on are great choices....A lot of Dwarf Angels take a little time to start eating prepared food, so having Live Rock with some decent growth on it is a plus.
Yeah, most dwarf angels need very mature LR (for grazing) to thrive. Many folks suggest waiting 6m-1yr before adding an Angel, and making him the last fish in a 60 gal will help with the territorial issues that come with many Angels. I think a Potter's would be a poor choice; they are quite difficult and you don't want to sour onthis hobby by starting, then losing, difficult fish.


New Member
I attempted a Potters in a tank that had been set up for 6 years. He lasted about month. At first he would eat that then jus stopped. I love the fish but since they require perfect water qual and plenty of algae to graze on I don't think I will try it again. 2 others you may want to look at are the Coral Beauty or a Flame. I have been able to sucessfully keep both in the same tank but they have to be introduced at the same time with plenty of hiding places. If you don't have the hiding places don't try 2 angels in the same tank..............


Saka bra.What school, do you go to.Do you go to Tosoro or Mission?Just wondering cuz my cousing goes to Tosoro.