Angel sick


Ok Ive recently bought a new Koran Angel from my lfs and I got a good deal because of its condition.. It looks like it has been ate at, I dont really know how else to explain it he has white tissue I guess it is hanging off of him.... Ive had him for about a month now and he is doing fine eating good and acting very good but I would like to get him out of my QT and into my display tank as he is one of the most beautiful fish that I have, but will this stuff spread or will it get worse with stress ???? Hes also in a 20 gal which Ive read that he should be kept in nothing smaller than a 100 gal.. My main is 150 so Im good there but can someone help me with a cure for this guy... The man at the lfs said that some angels get something like warts and its no big deal and they go away pretty fast.... HELP !!!!!!! Thanx in advance...


Staff member
Can you post a picture of him, and any areas of concern? Are you saying that this fish was harrassed at the LFS when you got him?


I wish I had the ability to post a pic but no Im unable to at this time... Im not sure if he was harrassed I was saying it looks like he may have been but it should be gone by now if that was the case.. Well I cant really explain it very well he has like white tissue coming out of bumps on his face... My lfs said that I should be able to just rub it off with my finger but thats not true it appears to hurt him.. I was told to do a freshwater bath and a famaldahyde bath ( not sure if its spelled right ) but Ive also heard that thats dangerous to somone that dont know what they are doing... :help:


Active Member
Well in the future, I'd suggest you don't buy sick fish no matter what deal you can get on them. But good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by F1shMan
Well in the future, I'd suggest you don't buy sick fish no matter what deal you can get on them. But good luck

If you do want to get bargains, it is essential to use a quarantine tank like airframer did. You might get lucky with a nice fish that you ordinarily wouldn't be able to afford.
I would suspect that you most likely have a fish with lymphcystis. This is usually a self-limited viral infection which will go away without treatment. It is more likely to occur during periods of stress. Classically the whitish growths associated with this disease are described as looking like cauliflower.
That being said, I would be cautious about adding a diseased fish into my display until it has been clearly stable and otherwise thriving for at least three weeks. I wouldn't worry about the size of the QT for a month or two as long as that fish is the only occupant.


thanx alot for the help Im going to start adding melifix Ive seen that heal some wounds so Im thinking maybe it will help if not Im going to care for him just the same as the rest... I thank you guys alot for the help and I just hope it will fix itself.