angel swimming question??

I added my last fish to my tank yesterday... I got a juv emporer angel.. I acclimated him by drip method and tripled the water and after an hour I gently scooped him up in my hand and put him in the tank.. He began exploring the tank... He seemed fine...... He did swim all around and kept swimming on his sides back and forth... My tang did dart out at him and pester him, but just brushed up against him.. it didnt seem to other the angel...Oh, and I did keep the lights off for 2 hours after putting im in...
Well, I guess my question is.. does anyones angel swim kind of funny, keep swaying from side to side almost gliding over the sand?? He also swims normal and shows NO signs of stress (yet) if hes gonna...His body and fins are all fine, no signs of being picked at...he is eating well and is loving the clip of kelp.... he does prefer one side of the tank to hang out in, but I have seen him swim across the back of the tank to the other side too...
I know he is new to the tank but I was sort of wondering if its normal for them to swim wierd??
Thanking you kindly, Kim
Here is a PIC of him hanging out in HIS spot.. notice he is sideways a bit.. I know he slips into that space so maybe its just the way they are???
Thanking you kindly,. Kim


Active Member
Emperors do that. They are pretty lazy swimmers. They will swim sidways though. Alot of salwater fish will swim any which way if you watch them long enough.
Anyways. I took care of a pair of adults where i worked for 2 months. They swam like that all the time.
Thank gosh!! I feel better now..he or she looks very healthy! Wish I could get a PIC. I took 62 and not one good one.. WOW is it quick! right up there with my 6 line..LOL
Thanks a bunch, Kim


yeah, my Emperor swims like that, but not very often. I've noticed that it would lean to a side whenever I put my hand in to clean the tank or when he didn't feel safe. ohter than that it'll swim just like other angels. It scared me 'cause I thought it was dead when I first put him in the tank (7 months ago) then I soon found that it's its normal habit.
Thanks again eveyone... After having him for a few days I think I am used to seeing him sway when he swims.. I was just worried that he WAS GETTING stressed... He is fine and healthy. YEAH!!!
MY TANK IS DONE!! Well, at least for the fish...LOLOL
WHAT DO I DO NOW??? LOL I will be adding a few pieces of LR to build up the left side more...
Thanking you kindly, Kim