Angelfish and starfish


New Member
I want to get a angelfish for my 75 gallon tank but i have a red knob starfish that i really like and dont want to have him harmed. Is there any dwarfs that are star friendly?


Active Member
Larger angels tend to be a bit nippy around stars, but I would say you have a better chance with a dwarf. I had a flame angel and a sand-sifting star (which spent an ample amount of time above the substrate to notice any problems between the two) in a tank together for over a year and I never had any problems. However, I was also fortunate enough to find a flame angel that didn't pick at any corals, either (although dwarf angels are said to be reef safe, it's more reportedly known your chances of getting a nipper are about 50/50).


New Member
thx for the info my knob stays around the live rock and the glass of the tank so he would be easy target to an aggressive angel.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist,my Queen angelfish ate all four of my star fish
.I didn't think that it would happen since the star fish were large,but that didn't make a difference at all,when the queen saw them she saw a meal and flipped the star fish over,and began to eat
. I wish you success with the dwarf angel fish .