Angelfish Compatability


I'm currently cycling my new 55 Gal. tank with 50 lbs. of live rock and was wondering about what livestock to add when it's done. I already have 2 false percs. in a 20 Gal. that I'm going to move over to the 55 in a month or so when the cycle is over.
I really want to get a pygmy angel like a coral beauty in a few months, but I was wondering if it is possible to add both a coral beauty and a bi-color angel together in the same tank. I've read from some sources that you can't because they will fight, and others say that as long as the pygmy angels are different colors that it will be OK. Anyone have any experience with this kind of setup??? Thanks!


I introduced a coral beauty and a bicolor at the same time into a 70 gallon and there were no problems between the two. The only thing was they never ate and ended up dying. But, it really all depends on the fish. Compatibility charts give you a general rule of thumb on what to do and what not to but it all depends on the personality of the fish.


New Member
well my experience of angels are that you cant have 2 agels or 2 dwarf angels in the same tank but you can have one of each..
i hope this helps!


New Member
I had a singapore angel and introduced a coral beauty. They fought constantly in a 90 gallon tank until I finally removed the coral beauty. I thought they would divide up the tank, one territory on each side but that didn't happen. Be careful. Mixing angels sometimes results in a potential fight to the death.


Active Member
Sometimes it works , sometimes it doesn't. There is no consistency except to say that most authors and experienced hobbiest will probably recommend against it in a 75g tank. If you had at least a 6 foot tank( 125) w/ lots of L/R , would have a good chance of working out.
In any event dwarfs s/b putinto an established tank so wait at least 6 months before adding. Good luck.


u will never know what they will do, some fight some don't, i bought the coral beauty, and bi color for 55 gallons but they got ich, so we remove it and put both into 10 gallons tank to do hyposalinity, and they are not fighting :) and getting along great. so if u want to try, check your lfs(will they retake the fish if they fight).