Originally Posted by
Pastor B.
Dear hobbyist ,my wife brought me a Queen angel fish almost 2 years ago at 2.5", it was starting to morph into its adult stage . Right now my queen (Pammie) , is 7.5" ,and is turning a blueish color behind its crown and body . It even has blue lips . I feed it a mixed diet of Hilkari pellets soaked in vita chem , spiralina ,formula one ,krill ,dried seaweed,and marine cuisine . I suppose that in order for an angel fish to fully morph into its adult stage , it has to have plenty of vitamins and room to grow .
IMO, vitamin supplements are vital for most fish. For angels, they really help develop maximum adult coloring. The 1st blue face I raised without vitamins added; the 2nd with. They looked like 2 different species. The 2nd was about 99% as colorful as a wild adult--as close as you can get. I also think frozen Formula II is a great food, along with dried seaweed sheets and a lot of variety.