Angelfish maturity

so i was just wondering about how long it takes for an angelfish to mature into the full adult colors and variations??
is it years????


Active Member
Originally Posted by parkercandleco
so i was just wondering about how long it takes for an angelfish to mature into the full adult colors and variations??
is it years????
i was talking to a guy at my LFS and he said it depends on the fish...he said that some seem like they change overnight and some can drag it on for weeks or even months...
i do not know from personal expierance though...
huh.. well weeks and months isnt bad .. well i guess i either have a koran or an emporer.. the lfs told me emporer but i have heard from people on here and i think myself that i in fact have a koran..
he eats SOOO MUCH>> so im sure he will be a fast approacher


Active Member
If the angel is the one in your avatar, it's a Koran. Juvi emporer's should have some blue little rings on the rear fins. Emporers are some of the angels that take the longest to transform. Koran's are a tad quicker but not by much.


Well-Known Member
Our 4-5 inch imperator angel began to change about 3 months ago, and is still changing. The mask is complete, and the body lines are yellow and about 50% of them are longitudinal.
yes it is the fish in my avatar i am talking about.. well go figure.. o well. koran angels are georgeous when they are adults also.. i can wait.. i like the juvenile look.. with all of the lines through the body...
also.. i am getting ready to move in about a month.. has anyone had any luck with moving there inhabitants??? its cold in indiana.. but its not a very far move from where we are at right now.. i am thinking they will be ok.. but i just want to know from any other experienced movers .. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
If the angel is the one in your avatar, it's a Koran. Juvi emporer's should have some blue little rings on the rear fins. Emporers are some of the angels that take the longest to transform. Koran's are a tad quicker but not by much.
I agree on all points. I've raised quite a few angels from juvi to maturity and really can't give a timetable. I think something we don't understand just triggers the change. Korans do seem to be quicker, I've only raised one, but, from that one and the reading I remember, that seems the case. I also think your lfs owes you at least $20; IMO (and JUST my opinion), mature emperors are much more magnificent fish. But, the Koran is a hardier, easier to raise species...good luck with him!
ya lo wouldnt that be nice.. o well.. i probably would have paid the same ridiculous price for an emporer.. i paid 46 for this guy.. i could have easily gotten it on here for a much more fairer price.. but it was kinda a spur of the moment thing


Active Member
Originally Posted by parkercandleco
ya lo wouldnt that be nice.. o well.. i probably would have paid the same ridiculous price for an emporer.. i paid 46 for this guy.. i could have easily gotten it on here for a much more fairer price.. but it was kinda a spur of the moment thing
Moving is a booger, you kind of need more than one tank. Last time I moved I set up a 45 gallon qt tank with a bare bottom. Then I went back and tore down my 180 kept all the lr and sand submerged then caught all the fish, put them in 5 gallon buckets. Took everything over to the new place. Aclimated the fish to the qt tank. Set up the DT waited for the mini cycle and then moved all the fish over. Not fun.
lol o lord.. well actually i have 125 milk gallons so i can keep my water.. i dont think it will be that bad.. when i get the fish back to my house i will set them up with a powerhead in the 5 gallon bucket until i get the tank and the live rock set back up..
i just hope i grab all of the hermits and etc hiding everywhere.. i have quite a few that i will need to keep track of...


Active Member
Originally Posted by parkercandleco
lol o lord.. well actually i have 125 milk gallons so i can keep my water.. i dont think it will be that bad.. when i get the fish back to my house i will set them up with a powerhead in the 5 gallon bucket until i get the tank and the live rock set back up..
i just hope i grab all of the hermits and etc hiding everywhere.. i have quite a few that i will need to keep track of...
$46 for a koran at a lfs isn't bad price, IMO. Re; The milk jugs: the plastic tote boxes (18 gal or whatever) at Wal-Mart are fish safe and very, very handy to have too!

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist ,my wife brought me a Queen angel fish almost 2 years ago at 2.5", it was starting to morph into its adult stage . Right now my queen (Pammie) , is 7.5" ,and is turning a blueish color behind its crown and body . It even has blue lips . I feed it a mixed diet of Hilkari pellets soaked in vita chem , spiralina ,formula one ,krill ,dried seaweed,and marine cuisine . I suppose that in order for an angel fish to fully morph into its adult stage , it has to have plenty of vitamins and room to grow .


Active Member
Originally Posted by parkercandleco
lol o lord.. well actually i have 125 milk gallons so i can keep my water.. i dont think it will be that bad.. when i get the fish back to my house i will set them up with a powerhead in the 5 gallon bucket until i get the tank and the live rock set back up..
i just hope i grab all of the hermits and etc hiding everywhere.. i have quite a few that i will need to keep track of...
It is not just filling the tank back up, but waiting to make sure it doesn't cycle too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pastor B.
Dear hobbyist ,my wife brought me a Queen angel fish almost 2 years ago at 2.5", it was starting to morph into its adult stage . Right now my queen (Pammie) , is 7.5" ,and is turning a blueish color behind its crown and body . It even has blue lips . I feed it a mixed diet of Hilkari pellets soaked in vita chem , spiralina ,formula one ,krill ,dried seaweed,and marine cuisine . I suppose that in order for an angel fish to fully morph into its adult stage , it has to have plenty of vitamins and room to grow .

IMO, vitamin supplements are vital for most fish. For angels, they really help develop maximum adult coloring. The 1st blue face I raised without vitamins added; the 2nd with. They looked like 2 different species. The 2nd was about 99% as colorful as a wild adult--as close as you can get. I also think frozen Formula II is a great food, along with dried seaweed sheets and a lot of variety.
well i definitely feed my angel quite well.. one day i will feel mysis shrimp.. and then the other i use pellets and seaweed..
my fish LOVE the mysis shrimp.. i usually feed my fish Multiple small servings daily.. it seems to make them grow ALOT faster also..
im not sure but i think my angel has grown a few cm's since i have had him.. and my tang has tripled in size in only a few months..
so i think i am doing alright.. i will keep vitamins in mind next time i do a little more tank shopping.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
IMO, vitamin supplements are vital for most fish. For angels, they really help develop maximum adult coloring. The 1st blue face I raised without vitamins added; the 2nd with. They looked like 2 different species. The 2nd was about 99% as colorful as a wild adult--as close as you can get. I also think frozen Formula II is a great food, along with dried seaweed sheets and a lot of variety.
This is true, I had my Angel a week, and he developed lympho, started feeding him a more varied diet in QT and it went away quickly.