Angelfish question


Tank size will be 46 gallons. I love the Flame Angelfish and the Yellowfin Pygmy Angelfish. I assume I can't put both in the tank. Any suggestions or info on either one? My experience level is zero, but I have supportive LFS and doing my research first! :thinking:


Active Member
The flame is much easier to care for, usually ships better, and is much easier to get to adapt to one's tank.
With any angelfish, remember, they need an established aquarium. This is a fish that gets added once your tank is set-up for 6-8 months.

mandarin w

Now for me, it has always been the opposite. Every flame angle I get doesn't make it for longer than a few weeks, and every cherib I have ever bought is still alive, one is 4 years, one is 3 1/2years, and my smallest is almost one year. All in different tanks of corse. For the life of me I can't get a flame angle to live. My cherubs I do absolutly nothing special for them.


Active Member
IMO this is a one of the few combinations that is likely to work. Pygmy's are generally vary hardy and can be added to the tank shortly after cycle.
Wait a few months for the pygmy to become established and find a specimen of flame angel that has not had any type of lengthy exposure to copper at an LFS and I think you will be fine. Make sure the flame is twice the size of the pygmy which should not be to hard to find.
Mandarin; copper exposure or cyanide capture is the likely problem. Over at the doctors site they have even come clean so to speak, warning customers that any copper exposure over .15 is likely to eventually kill the fish. Copper exposure is not immediately lethal but causes liver damage and kills the fish after a few months. Sound familiar?
Common copper doses at LFS that run copper is .20. Saves there stock from parasite problems and is usually not a problem for most species but quite problematic for flame angels.


Active Member
I had a pygmy and a flame in my 75. Didn't work, the flame would not leave the pygmy alone. I ended up moving the pygmy to my 55. I would not recommend it. Both the flames I've had have been very territorial.


I called LFS lady yesterday, and she said we should start w/some Damsels (as they are cheap) to cycle the tank for the first 4 weeks at least. Then LFS can take them back (as they are territorial) and we can go from there, but she suggested not putting Angels in for about 6 months as well... I'm thinking the Flame looks like it might be a bit better to care for (read: easy) for me. I am not anxious to mix fish that will be problematic.

dr. evil

oct22baby you dont have to use damsels to cycle your tank just toss in one of those shrimp you buy at the grocery store and it will get you cycle going just the same and you wont hurt any little fishes in the process. when you throw in the damsels the ammonia levels will burn there gills which has got to suck from the fishes point of view.not to mention the damsel is very very territorial and will harass the heck out of anything you put in there and dont get me started on what a pain they are to catch if you choose to remove them.

dr. evil

they are fast little buggers and really mean because once they live in the tank by themselves for awhile they dont like company. i had some when i started and i couldnt put anything in my tank they would actually chase the new guys out of the tank.


Originally Posted by Dr. Evil
they are fast little buggers and really mean because once they live in the tank by themselves for awhile they dont like company. i had some when i started and i couldnt put anything in my tank they would actually chase the new guys out of the tank.

:help: I had wanted to put one/two/a few in my tank after some other fish have had a chance to make it home (and hopefully claim the territory). Can that be done if the Damsels are added last???

dr. evil

alas dont fret young grasshopper there are some damsels you can go with that are pretty sweet and not mean at all you could go with the green reef or blue green reef chromis they are very cool fish and work well with others and do well in groups of three,or you could go with the tried and true clownfish i have two tank raised false peculas and love them also.