Angels in a Reef?


I have a 46 gallon bowfront tank, and I'm slowly turning it into a reef, and I was wondering if any pygmy/dwarf angel would be ok in a reef. I also saw a small blue girdled angel at my lfs that looks very nice. Would that be ok in a reef? I don't want anything to eat corals or small inverts. Any input would be great! Thanks!


Active Member
I have a pygmy in my 15 softie tank.
I have a Regal Angel and a Swallowtail in my 90 SPS.
And a Lamark's in my 120 mixed.
The pygmy has been pretty safe so far for me, the Regal has not touched my SPS and the few zoas I have in that tank. I had another Regal in my 120 that devastated my zoas. I think they are hit or miss.
Pretty much bulletproof reef safe angels are anything in the Genicanthus group.
BTW....the pygmys are on sale here right now..$9.99 good deal.


Wow, that's an amazing price! Thanks so much for the input. Have you had any experiece with coral beauties or flame angels?


Active Member
Originally Posted by CedarReef
Wow, that's an amazing price! Thanks so much for the input. Have you had any experiece with coral beauties or flame angels?
from what i'v heard they are fairly reef safe, better than non- dwarf angels. But it all depends on the fish.
Are you feeling lucky?


Active Member
i have a bicolor in my 90g..never touched any of my muchrooms..i think they are more of a threat to small inverts and clams but not small peppermint shrimp has been missing for a week..hmmmm


I have a coral beauty in my reef. He picks at the pumping xenia and my nassarius snails if he doesn't get enough food. He has not done any real damage, so I would say they are 90% reef safe. Awesome fish though, a lot of character and great colors.


I have had a flame for almost 2 years and the only thing he bothers is brain corals.He loves them, they won't last a week with him.


In that case, I might just take that risk since I love angels. A flame might be a problem since you said that they mess with brains which I plan to have. A coral beauty seems more my style, and xenia grow like weeds anyway. Thanks so much guys!


Active Member
yeah flames are a hit and miss..u'll have a better chance keeping the coral beauty alive..make sure its eating at the lfs before u buy...


oh, definitely. I know the owner n the owner's son at my lfs, and they never sell any fish to you unless they are absolutely positive they are healthy. Plus they guarantee them.


Active Member
thats suprised the owner of my lfs hasn't invited me to dinner cuz i go to his shop every week and talk to all the employees there..


lol yeah! I could live at mine =] the one guy and his son are the only employees and they have this huge 90 gal lps/sps display tank with some beautiful fish. still don't know about the angels because I've been reading some horror stories about them eating zoos and softies, too.