Angels that do not eat corals?


Active Member
For sure they do, but I'd say it's always a hit/miss type of thing.
I've had several Genicanthus sp. in reefs in the past and right now I've got a potters angel in my frag tank for about a year without problems.
At work we've got many Genicanthus sp.
(too many to count) in the display plus an Emperor angel over a foot long and as far as I know they're good to the corals.


ive had a pygmy angel in my 34 for about 3 months now without any problems, they say its always a 50/50 chance with smaller angels, they also have an appetite for zoas, so i hear


Active Member
with palytoxin so rampant in zoos, i would think it diffucult for angels to eat them and live very long. i have my coral beauty for about 7 months and no problems that i can tell.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
with palytoxin so rampant in zoos, i would think it diffucult for angels to eat them and live very long. i have my coral beauty for about 7 months and no problems that i can tell.
saltn00b had a blueface in his 150 for a few weeks until it decided to devour an entire colony of zoas/palys in a matter days. they LOVE zoas


Active Member
Originally Posted by mujtba
in the Genicanthus group, can you name some angels?
Just google Genicanthus. Good examples are Lamark's Angel and Swallowtail Angel. They are not as colorful as the other groups of angels, but they are alot safer in a reef. I have both and neither one has nipped at any of my corals.


Active Member
the bellus, swallowtail, lamarck, zebra, and watanabe, are 99.9% reef safe. After that the cherub, resplendent, fishers, whitetailed, multibarred, and flamebacks are usually reef safe.(the first 2 and last 1 can be a little aggressive) flame, golden, potters, and multicolor, are also less risky. All the others are 50/50 or below. it also says that angels kept in larger tanks and well fed are less likely to damage coral. I got this info from a article by Scott W. Micheal in aquarium fish magazine.


I have a Coral Beauty. I've seen it nip at my Xenia and Zoas when it's hungry. But it mostly sticks to picking at the rocks, glass and where else it can find some algea growing. It hasn't done any real damage to any of my colonies and all are still multiplying like crazy.
To be honest, I wish it would eat my Xenia. Stupid coral keeps going for the intake on my pumps. I don't care who you are, that's gotta hurt.


Currently I have a flame angel who does not mess with my corals. In the past I have kept Potters & Coral Beauty with any trouble as well.
I have learned that so long as you keep your tank properly fed (not overly) problems do not typically arise. I have a mantis that has been in my tank for 7 years. He clicks away at all hours of the day and yet in the 7 years my tank has been up he has only taken down 1 blood shrimp. I attribute that to me forgetting to feed my tank for a week. Luckily snails are the rabbits of the ocean too.