

What up. I cannot remember if I posted something about this already, and I'm not going to look through all the posts :). I would like to know about dwarf angels. Which one in particular is the most hardy and non agressive, also, less prone to mess with my inhabitants; which are, a Yellow Clown Goby, Blue/Green Chromis, Tailspot Blenny, Firefish Goby, 2 Clowns 2 Turbo snails, 1 margarita, and 2 Peppermint shrimp. I am not 100% sure if I will add the fish or not, it's mostly just for reference. Thanks in advanced, and for reading this novel I wrote!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lilclowns http:///t/390603/angels#post_3459955
What up. I cannot remember if I posted something about this already, and I'm not going to look through all the posts :). I would like to know about dwarf angels. Which one in particular is the most hardy and non agressive, also, less prone to mess with my inhabitants; which are, a Yellow Clown Goby, Blue/Green Chromis, Tailspot Blenny, Firefish Goby, 2 Clowns 2 Turbo snails, 1 margarita, and 2 Peppermint shrimp. I am not 100% sure if I will add the fish or not, it's mostly just for reference. Thanks in advanced, and for reading this novel I wrote!
All dwarfs require good water conditions. If the water quaity is good, the fish is hardy...if the water goes bad they will be the first to die. Personally, I think they are the prettiest fish in the ocean...but that's just me. They don't care for fish that are too close to their own color or body type. I have a Lemonpeel in with my Blue reef Chromis...they are fine. A coral beauty however may not get along so well with them.


New Member
I have a flame angel with my chromis and my puffer fish. He does fine with my green chromis. I think that they are the prettiest of the dwarf angels however I love all of the types of angels.


I had a coral beauty with a maroon clown and 2 firefish. He didn't bother them in the least. So much personality. HOWEVER...first thing he did was kill my 2 peppermint shrimps. I had to take him back to my LFS because as soon as he killed my peppermint shrimp I had a bad aptasia outbreak. I was VERY sad to lose him. Such a cool fish. Did fine with everything else.


Wow that sucks.... all the cool ones you guys already listed them.
Lemon peel
Coral beauty
And I will add one more
Bi color.
They are one of prettiest like flower above said and as your water parameter is good and that they've are properly acclimated, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.


Originally Posted by Siptang http:///t/390603/angels#post_3465166
Wow that sucks.... all the cool ones you guys already listed them.
Lemon peel
Coral beauty
And I will add one more
Bi color.
They are one of prettiest like flower above said and as your water parameter is good and that they've are properly acclimated, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
I've known quite a few people that have had problems with Flames, something about they way their caught. And they're ont cheap either.


Flames are not necessarily cheap but they do have beautiful colors. As with all angels, you shouldn't use net to capture them and also you HAVE to make sure that they eat if you are buying them from LFS. I haven't had any issue exception of things being my fault. (bad batch of RO/DI water from LFS) I always catch them with hand at the LFS or offer to catch them if I'm buying them. (Net tends to get stuck on the face.)


Originally Posted by Siptang http:///t/390603/angels#post_3465400
Flames are not necessarily cheap but they do have beautiful colors. As with all angels, you shouldn't use net to capture them and also you HAVE
to make sure that they eat if you are buying them from LFS. I haven't had any issue exception of things being my fault. (bad batch of RO/DI water from LFS) I always catch them with hand at the LFS or offer to catch them if I'm buying them. (Net tends to get stuck on the face.)
Actually I wasn't talking about the way they're netted from the LFS, I meant the way they are caught in the wild. Apparently they commonly use Cyanide to capture them and this eventually leads to their death. At least that's what I've read and what the LFS has told me.


Hmmm that's first for me..I guess I learn new things every day.