angle ?


I am thinking about purchasing a angle. I have a 100g with a v.lion. would a queen or blueface angle be a good choice. I will be upgrading to a 300g shortly, so either angle would have plenty of room.

small triggers

Active Member
what other fish do you have other than the lion? Angels are very beautiful and would love being in a tank that large, really either would be fine.


Originally Posted by small triggers
what other fish do you have other than the lion? Angels are very beautiful and would love being in a tank that large, really either would be fine.
all i have is the lion, been trying to decide on which fish to add next.


another question about angelfish. can i keep more than one. reason i am asking is i got a friend that needs to get rid of his passer angel. I would like to get him, but if that means that i cant add the queen latter i would hold off. what do u guys think.

it's chuck

Passers are gorgeous fish however they tend to become very aggressive fish if you get the passer I would either wait until you had the 300 or have a plan b ready to add the queen


k, thanks, i will just pass on the passer, just hard to pass on it being i could get it for cheap. but i do want two angels, and the queen is one of the choosen for sure.