angler fish

i bought a angler fish today from my lfs i was wondering is that hairly leffed hermit crab going to give it any problems if so i will take it back but i dunno if the pet store will take it. also wat do anglers eat and any other info


Anglers definately eat other fish. I don't know about your crab for sure, but my guess is that they'd eat anything that moves and they can fit into their mouths.
How big is your hermit? I have a Hairy Red Leg that will chase ANYTHING that comes near him, and stays still. Including my hand when moving a rock, cleaning glass etc...
Without knowing anything about Anglers, i would say from my personal experience that if the HRL hermit is big enough, it should be fine.
I think the hermit should be fine lol im worried about the angler loldo u think the crab could eat him. Also wat should i feed this guy i tried guppys but hes at the bottom and there at the top plus they die in like 6 min becuase theree freswater fish.
Well, Anglers dont move around much do they? My lion hides under a peice of rock, and he dosnt really bother him - the only time i've had problems is at feeding time. The hermit used to go for the lion at feeding time - but i got around this by directly feeding the hermit first.
As regards to feeding the angler freshwater guppies - can you get saltwater guppies? or mollies? This would be much better nutritionally, though im sure the FW guppies are until you ween him over, right?
Im not too well up on what the eat, things i would definatly try (instead of guppies) would be Ghost Shrimp - ive heard of a lot of people using them to ween anglers/leaf fish over.
Someone else will be able to give you more info im sure.


also i had one for a long time and i go him to eat frozzen lance fish, that is alot better then gold fish
i ended up getting rid of the crab i really like the angler an didnt want to risk it. the problem is i have had him for 5 days and he has only eating 1 guppy is there anything else is should try he sits at the bottom and the guppys sit at top.
have you actually tried him on silversides or krill yet? If not i would try him on them...see how he takes to them.
Put a peice of string through the peice of food, and tie a slight knot in it. the knot must be weak enough so that when the fish pulls at the food, it will just slip through, but tight enough so when you jiggle the food about in front of the angler the food wont come off.
Thats what i've heard of people doing. tie the food on the end, and imitate a fish crawling along the bottom..then go toward the angler, jiggling the fish/shrimp etc along the bottom...