angler help


I bought a painted angler a little smaller than and inch. He is so small that my hawkfish is picking on it. Also he is so small that I cant find him when he goes into the live rock. Luckily I found him today and its been atleast a week since he has eaten. So I put him in a 2 gallon fish bowl with a piece of live rock and a air stone. I was wondering if I could let him continue to live in there for a few months untill he gets bigger? I guess I would just change half the water ever other day and check the tempeture. Are there any other precautions I should be aware of?


changing half the water in a 2 gallon bowl every couple of days is eventually going to lead to an accident where the new water is too much stress for the angler. (ph difference, salinity difference,temp difference etc.)
How large is the tank the angler is in?luckily anglers dont need to eat daily as most fish do, but going longer than a week could begin to get bad for him i would think. I know flricordea has an angler in a 3 gallon tank, so it can be done. But he is very experienced, and i really dontknow anything about your experience level, and dealing witha tank that small can be difficult. Also, i would change the tank to a small 2.5 gallon aquarium or a 5 gallon aquarium, it will be easier to clean, and use filtration. I wouls also take off the air bubbler thing, and add a small hang on back filter to the tank.
also, try some small llive food to see if he will eat that.
Anglers are very difficult to keep. Most will never switch over to non live foods if you are even able to get them to eat at all. One that small would need it's own tank. No bigger then a 10g tank. They do not need much room since they just perch on a rock and wait until their food comes to them. Trying to keep one alive in a make shift 2 gallon bowl is probably not likely. The fluctuations due to water changes and day/night temperatures will surely stress the fish out. I'd try to find it a home quick and if you are really interested in keeping an angler set up a species specific tank just for him.


Why don't you use something with lots of holes in it (like egg crate) to block off a small portion of your tank for your angler? That way he has water that is chemically and temperature controlled. Make sure he has some rock so he has a place to feel protected at. Fish don't like being isolated and out in the open.
You do know that if the angler lives and starts to eat that it will grow and eat the hawkfish and every other fish it can get in its mouth, right?
FLRicordia on this site knows anglers well. Maybe he can offer you more advice.


Active Member
I'm not picking on you; but just the idea of putting an angler (or anything other than a goldfish) into a 2 gal bowk with an airstone is so far from anything evenly remotely possible; that it's hard to imagine. Before you do anything else; I'd suggest a lot of reading; perhaps starting with a cover to cover reading of Bob Fenner's "The Conscience Marine Aquarist". Then, ask questions on this forum BEFORE you buy a fish. IMO, if you can get a lfs to take the angler, it may have a chance.


Well, Ithe angler some live shrimp today and he eat them quick. I would like for him to double in size before I put him back in the display tank. If I put him back in the display tank I am scared I well not be able to find him. I was just wondering if I could keep him in this little fish bowl for a few weeks? I guess it would be better to use the water from the display tank rather than new water. I think it may be best to divide a portion of the tank to him untill he gets a bit bigger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by olga21
Well, Ithe angler some live shrimp today and he eat them quick. I would like for him to double in size before I put him back in the display tank. If I put him back in the display tank I am scared I well not be able to find him. I was just wondering if I could keep him in this little fish bowl for a few weeks? I guess it would be better to use the water from the display tank rather than new water. I think it may be best to divide a portion of the tank to him untill he gets a bit bigger.
I don't know how you could possibly maintain adequate water quality in a 2 gal bowl; even for two weeks. I doubt that he will grow at all in that small space.


I am going to try keep him in the display tank but with in his own tank. So a tank with in a tank. Does anybody have and pictures are ideas on what the best way to do this. I have an 84 gallon tank.


like stated above you can divide the tank with eggcrate. you might be better off looking for a used 10 gallon tank for like 10 bucks and keep him in there just take 10 gallons from your dt when setting it up.