Angler Questions..


Active Member
Hey I am interested in purchasing an angler. I thought I should clear up any concerns I have before I bought one..
1. Are there any dwarf angler species?
2. What are the requirements for successfully keeping an angler?
3. Can an angler survive in a Pico? If so, how long will it take before it out grows the pico? When it out grows the pico, I plan on setting up an angler tank..I thought I saw someone on this site with an angler in a pico..was it Cranberry?
4. Am I missing anything?
Thanks for your input!


Okay here's some info I have gathered over some time of just reading about anglers aka frogfish...
Suitable Nano Anglers:

Pygmy Angler (Antennarius tuberosus)

Max Size: 3 1/2inches
Wartskin Angler (Antennarius maculatus)

Max Size: 4 inches

I have heard of some people like cranberry keeping these in picos when they are very small but then later transferred to a bigger tank of at least 20g for 1 of 2 anglers mentioned above...
Anglers ARE reef safe just NOT invert safe with shrimp...Anglers should be kept in a species only tank with just one unless they are a mated pair which I have seen...
I don't have any personal experience with these though, all this info was gathered over reading about them and seeing other peoples experience with them...


Active Member

Originally Posted by cal559
Okay here's some info I have gathered over some time of just reading about anglers aka frogfish...
Suitable Nano Anglers:

Pygmy Angler (Antennarius tuberosus)

Max Size: 3 1/2inches

Wartskin Angler (Antennarius maculatus)

Max Size: 4 inches

I have heard of some people like cranberry keeping these in picos when they are very small but then later transferred to a bigger tank of at least 20g for 1 of 2 anglers mentioned above...
Anglers ARE reef safe just NOT invert safe with shrimp...Anglers should be kept in a species only tank with just one unless they are a mated pair which I have seen...
I don't have any personal experience with these though, all this info was gathered over reading about them and seeing other peoples experience with them...

hey thanks for your input..I plan on setting up a species only tank once it gets big enough..Well, now that I think about it, I believe the smarter investment would be to just set up a species tank from the get go, and ditch the pico idea!
With this in mind, I have a spare 35 gallon hexagon tank, now what would it take to set up an angler tank? Is this tank suitable for an angler? I would just keep it by itself..


Yeah that tank would be perfect for the 1 of the 2 anglers I mentioned above...

I would do a white clown wartskin angler...IMO they look the best but are pricey...LOL
I would use your basic filtration...carbon, purigen and chemi pure...
A skimmer would be optional not necessary because your only feeding 1 fish and you should only feed 3 times a week. Make sure not to feed big pieces of fish or shrimp because they will choke on it and die...
If you have the money put a skimmer on it, it can only help. A good one for a 35g tank is the Tunze Protein Skimmer 9002 very quiet and productive...It will magnet mount on the side of your glass or back wall.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
Yeah that tank would be perfect for the 1 of the 2 anglers I mentioned above...

I would do a white clown wartskin angler...IMO they look the best but are pricey...LOL
I would use your basic filtration...carbon, purigen and chemi pure...
A skimmer would be optional not necessary because your only feeding 1 fish and you should only feed 3 times a week. Make sure not to feed big pieces of fish or shrimp because they will choke on it and die...
If you have the money put a skimmer on it, it can only help. A good one for a 35g tank is the Tunze Protein Skimmer 9002 very quiet and productive...It will magnet mount on the side of your glass or back wall.
im baying it as we speak..i have a emperor HOB filter, should i just throw chemi-pure, carbon and purigen in the filter compartments? I really hate this filter. I had it set up on this tank before and I hated it. if I buy the tunze protein skimmer would that be enough? I was reading cranberry's thread and I saw that chaeto has been placed in the tank with his angler, I am assuming that is for filtration? Also, lighting..What would you recommend for a nice light fixture? being a hexagon, I have horrible dimensions..If I am not mistaken, the sides are 9.5 inches each, and the diameter of the middle of the tank measures 18.5-19 inches..


Oh sh** forget it was a hexagon tank...LOL
Okay the aquaclear 50 is rated for 30-50 gallons of water and is 7 inches in length so that should fit on one of your 9.5 inch sides.
The aquaclear 70 is rated for 50-70 gallons of water and is 8 1/2 inches in length, this one should fit as well.
I would do the ac70 and through out the bio media and carbon filtration they come with and replace with purigen and chemi pure.
The skimmer can't be your only filtration as it removes fish poop and left over food and increases your the ac70 + the skimmer would be your best bet.
Chaeto is used to obsorve nitrates but I wouldn't go this path is just gets messy if you ask me ecspecially in the display tank...


Oh any if you don't like the hexagon tank then just go out and get you a 20g long tank for the angler and use an aquaclear 50 on it...
A 20g long(30 x 12 x 12) tank shouldn't be too expensive at all...
Or a 30g(36 x 12 x 16), 33g long(48 x 13 x 12) or 30g breeder(36 x 18 x 12)
Those are some options as well...


Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
Oh any if you don't like the hexagon tank then just go out and get you a 20g long tank for the angler and use an aquaclear 50 on it...
A 20g long(30 x 12 x 12) tank shouldn't be too expensive at all...
Or a 30g(36 x 12 x 16), 33g long(48 x 13 x 12) or 30g breeder(36 x 18 x 12)
Those are some options as well...
i was thinking about buying a 20 long originally, but I have a hex with a of now it looks like my options are getting limited! i might try to find something locally..
if i was to set up the hex tank, do you have any suggestions for lighting? once again i just wanted to thank you for your input.


Do you want to keep corals and if you do what kind?
Your tank I believe is 23inches across...So a 24inch fixture would be fine...
Current USA Orbit Compact Fluorescent Fixture, 2X65 Watt, 24 inch
I've seen for $170 (PC lighting) Softies and LPS corals
Current USA Satellite Dual Compact Fluorescent, 2X65 Watt, 24 inch
I've seen for $120 (PC lighting) Softies and LPS corals
Current USA SunPod Metal Halide Fixture, 150 Watt HQI, 24 inch
I've seen for $260 (Metal Halides) Any coral can be kept...
Though I don't know if strong lighting effects anglers...


Active Member
nothing really..mushrooms if anything since all my zoas are used to MH i dont think they will be too happy in the hex.i do not want to invest in a metal halide light fixture..


They just use PC lighting then...
Current USA Satellite Single Compact Fluorescent, 1X65 Watt, 24 inch
I've seen for $60 (PC lighting)
Current USA Satellite Dual Compact Fluorescent, 2X65 Watt, 24 inch
I've seen for $120 (PC lighting)