angler,sargassum,zebra lion fish?


would a angler,sargassum fish, and a dwarf/zebra lionfish be ok in a 35 gallon with plenty of lr and ample hiding 35 is cycleing now and i was getting together what kind of fish i was gonna put in it
Thanks Logan


No idea wat a sargassum fish is...but the angler and the lion should be allrite. They probably make one of the better pairs with anglers. Just make sure the lion will never be able to eat the angler, and the angler wont eat the lion.


sargassum fish are like anglers. All the sargaasum fish i have seen where small. Has long as the sargassum fish is bigger then your angler and lion then it will be fine. Has long has the angler and sargassum fish are bigger then the lion all will go well. HAVE AWESOME FILTERATION!!!!!!!!!!!!


How about ---NO.
The anglers would be an issue here. The sargassum angler are very risky fish, they have been shown to be able to ingest fish 2X their body size, and these fish get pretty big, I have a smaller one now that could easily take out a dwarf lion. I wouln't risk it.