Angles and Triggers?


I have been out of the saltwater hobby for several years now, but I recently bought a 180 show and currently i'm going through the cycle process. My question is: I would like to put a clown trigger, huma huma, majestic angle and an asfur angle together. Does anyone think i'm looking at a diseaster or would they get along?


Active Member
im pretty sure those angels wont get a long, unfortunatly, have thought of an emperor angel replacing those two? just a suggestion


I like the emperor angle as well. If it were up to me I would probably have 10 tanks in my house to support my angle habit. I guess thats why we have wives. they help keep us under control.

bill f

I believe I read that you could combine the smaller pygmy angel with a full size angel without a problem. Ialso have a new 180 and I'm going with an emperor also.


New Member
My Triggers and angel are still babys, so they are in a 75g until my 220 cycles, I have a clown trigger , a niger trigger, and a koran angel, since the new tank is a little larger I also wanted to add another angel, The French Angel, I emailed a marine Biologist just to make sure they would get along, I enjoy the change these angels go through, and both are beautiful when full grown, I like the emperor angel to, but since i have the koran was told not to mix the 2, I have always had freshwater and I am kind of new at the saltwater, I have 4 tanks in my home and just talked my husband into getting a 10g hex for 1 bad betta who wont get along, I feel bad having him in a 2 1/2g
Just research your angels of choice first to make sure


Active Member
That combination doesn't seem so bad really, and your tank is big enough for those 4 fish. But the two angels I would not put into a new or recently cycled tank. The Clown trigger has to be the last fish to go in the tank, there's a chance he can do a teminator on his tank mates.


Active Member
I just want to add that I personally like the emperor angel alot but be prepare for any outbreak of deseases as the emperator is in my opinion, a delicate fish that is susceptible to a bunch of deseases.


ok out of the large angels if you want to have a good success with mixing these guys there are 2 major i think they are called genus's for the larger angels one called holacanthus which blue angels, queen angels, paser angels, and rock beauty angels belong to. and then the other called pomacanthus which includes annularis angels, grey angels, asfur angel, emperor angel, yellowbar angel, majestic angel, french angel, koran angel, six banded angel, blueface angel and cortez angel. phew. to have the BEST success in mixing these guys i would pick one from each genus. especially since you got such a big tank. i wouldn't waste my time with the pygmy angels they'd get lost in that big of a tank


Do not mix 2 'large" angels of the genuses Holocanthus, Pomacanthus, Euphipiops, or Chaetodopolous (sp?)
They are very territorial and will fight.
There is a well accepted hypothesis on differences in coloration between adult angels and juveniles. Juveniles are colored differently for survival. The adults will not be aggressive towards the juveniles because their markings show they are not competing for food, space, mates, etc.
It is not uncommon for a juvenile angel to be placed with an adult angel and maintain juvenile coloration in excess of 5 years.


Member effense but if he mixes and he has enough space they will be fine. i have a queen angel and a koran angel together...i have a few friends that have done it. in fact i have one friend that has a 300 gallon that has 2 from each genus and they do fine. they were a little aggessive at first but were fine after a couple days. so i'm sure that one from each genus would be more than fine


No offense taken. I could see that working if one of the angels is alpha and the other submissive/beta, but 2 ADULT angels in a confined space will almost always fight. Adults are determined by coloration, not sexual maturity.
I have not seen this problem when one of the angels is a Centropyge sp.