angles in a 30 gal tank


New Member
my tank has been set up for over a year now and i have recently returned my original damsel fish. i was wondering what type or if any angel fish i could put in my 30 gallon aquarium.


I think you can put a coral beauty angel. I don't know though .. :thinking:


Active Member
for a 30 gallon you can put a flame angelfish, coral beauty angelfish, bicolor angelfish and a lemonpeel angelfish. i got this info from the doctor foster and smith magazine. and yea they say all those can live in a 30 gallon but not all at the same time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by feixjai
for a 30 gallon you can put a flame angelfish, coral beauty angelfish, bicolor angelfish and a lemonpeel angelfish. i got this info from the doctor foster and smith magazine. and yea they say all those can live in a 30 gallon but not all at the same time.
I think he hit the nail on the head...


Active Member
Ok here's another related question...
I have a 37 gal. The only fish I have right now are 2 false percs and 1 coral beauty...GREAT fish!! What are the odds of putting in a flame angel? I'm not sure if 2 angels can be in the same tank or not, as I've heard they can be very territorial, and besides the coral beauty, I really love the flames...they're so colorful and bright.
Thank you!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I really would not try adding another angel to that tank. It often does not work...only in very large systems does it stand a chance. But that, IMO, is a very small tank to try it in. They are very territorial. I just had to remove a coral beauty I added to my 45 because it was a monster.


Active Member
IMO, a 30 is small for one of these fish. Do-able, but not optimal. Another choice would be the C. argi or cherub angel. Stays under three inches and is very colorful. Stay away from bicolors and some of the other larger centropyges.


Active Member
Thanks Ophiura,
That's pretty much what I thought and what I've read. I still love my CB angel...she and my female fp clown are actually bonding..really cool.
Lisa :happyfish