Angry gramma


I recently bought a yellow tang, and he's been extremely playful with the other three fish in the tank (two clowns and one royal gramma.) At least, he's been trying to, the clowns ignore him and the gramma hides.
The problem is that he's been going into the gramma's hiding place and now the gramma hates coming out. His cave is only two and a half inches wide and maybe an inch tall under a piece of live rock. I just put a piece of rock in between the entrance to his cave so the tang won't keep flipping himself horizontal and bothering the gramma.
I know the tang is a herbivore, but he won't eat seaweed attached to a clip. We've been flaking the seaweed off the sheet and he'll eat it as long as it's floating around looking interesting - but he still eats the meaty diet of the other fish when we feed them. I know this may increase the aggression of the fish.
Is there anything else I could or should do? My gramma keeps coming out and making the "Jaws" face at the tang. Despite how much I laugh whenever it happens I know the gramma is being antagonized.
I knew I shouldn't have gotten the most rambunctious tang in the store.


Active Member
OMG my gramma has been trying to intimidate my pistol shrimp. I would never have imagined how big that fish's mouth is. my goodness, it looks like he could swallow himself if he tried. but yea, mine has moved into a hollow rock and i rarely see it.


gramma fish do tend to hide, your species of tang tends to be very clingy, rearrange like you did, they will figure it out, try adding vitamins to food, tang needs vit c anyway in diet. add some calerpa that they like.
it sounds really funny though :happyfish