angry yellow tang and blue damsel

i have a yellow tang and damsel in my tank. the blue one has always been mean and now the yellow tang has turned evil like the blue damel. he attacks everything. snails. hermit crabs. clown fish. everything.
should i get rid of him? is this normal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by justinwwwallin
i have a yellow tang and damsel in my tank. the blue one has always been mean and now the yellow tang has turned evil like the blue damel. he attacks everything. snails. hermit crabs. clown fish. everything.
should i get rid of him? is this normal?
What tank size?


Active Member
your going to have to share a little information about your tank . Pictures help too .
What kind of tank mates do you have what amount of rock what do you feed how often do you feed ?
well i have a 55 gallon (yes i know way too small for a tang) so thats probably the case.but i bought him as a baby. ive been planning on getting rid of him for awhile. like maybe taking him to the zoo or something. but our friend is giving us a 75 gallon tank. would that be big enough for awhile longer


Active Member
In my opinion you have answered your own question and if you read a few of the top threads in here and the fish discusion you will clearly see the opinions of others . The Zoo more than likely wont take your yellow tang but it would hurt it(the tang) for you to try .
yeah. but from the first post i was gonna get to the 75 gallon part. i just have a weird way with saying things haha. but would a 75 fish only work for a little while untill i can find someone to take it. if i cant find anyone to take it with in about a week ill take it to the pet store