animals for sale or trade

i have alot of money in the tank so i would want more than just the kitten maybe a pair of gliders ! let me know what you think


after a bengal is officially a bengal (after f4) it is domesticated. they are just like regular cats except much more playful,curious, love heights and water and slightly larger. i will get back to you on that though b/c the tank would be for my mom and she would want to see it so im going to talk to her and maybe we could go over and i can see the tank and i will bring the bengal. and maybe 1 sugarglider but not 2. 1 glider is worth 150 and the bengal i was selling for 300 but if you look around they are worth much, much more than that.
i have a few questions though:
what lighting do you have on that?
what is the stand made of formica or wood?
do you have a canopy?


Active Member
Holy crap.... are those things vicious? They look like freakin bobcats or something. That's awesome. I just wrote a story at work about Mike Tyson giving up three rare Bengal Tigers cause he has money problems. The things cost 14 grand a week to feed. Do these grow into big tigers??????????? :D :cool: :D


Bengals are not vicious. they are domesticated cats with an exotic look. they are just a little bigger than a regular houscat. do asearch on sugargliders and you will find what they are. they are sort of like flying squirrels. the are marsupials from australia.


Kat Called them and it was confirmed, I was curious too after you said about his size, those pics werent rencent but apparently he is an F1. Regardless thank for the tip, I deffinetly appreciate it.
Where do you breed out of?
* Mike Tyson is actually fighting to keep his tigers, the state of TX has just passed a law allowing each county to remove tigers from the list of exotics you can keep. They are telling him he can either join this conservation group and keep the tigers OR allow a local zoo to take them. *
I say put Tyson in the zoo...


mmmmsushi: my email is i can ship the glider but the shipping charges are about 150 extra plus they get stressed out so when they get there they will be no so nice and the bonding process will take longer than usual because of the stress of the plane. email me and we'll see what happens.
reefsoe: i breed them at home. i only have 1 pair of bengals and thinking of getting maybe 1 more female
eng50: email me also
pbega: i might be interested in trading for that
anyone else have questions email me