

I have recently moved to america from south africa and i saw a program on tv today that made me so mad and kinda got me thinking!
The program was on mass breeding of dogs in so called "puppy mills"! I was utterly disgusted at the conditions that those poor dogs where living! 90% of those dogs have never laid a foot on grass before and spend there whole lives in cages living on chicken wire! they are forced to bear puppies on every heat cycle and then just shot once their breeding life is over! most of them have tumors all over them..especially on the

area because of the over breeding! the most inhumane thing ive ever seen in my life!
now this is by no means an attack on america because i know this happens all over the world, in many countries! but where i have come from there are laws to protect animals from this sort of treatment! but some still carries on illegally unfortunately! are there no rules in the united states protecting these animals from this sort of treatment? if not somebody needs to push for some sort of law to be passed!
i was very diturbed by the whole thing!


Active Member
Their is laws against it.Unfortunatly it is a big business and if they shut one down their is alway another that pops up.That why I have never bought a dog from a store.If I buy one it is from the breeder so I know where it come from and the conditions they are housed in.Not all breeder in the US do thing like this though.


There are serious laws concerning this abuse, but the problem is each inspector has hundreds of places to monitor. many of these death camps have beenshut down and the poor animals had to be destroyed if they could not be rehabilitated. Truly, the problem lies with good old supply and demand. as long as pet stores shop without regard to supplier and people purchase dogs from pet shops, the problem will continue. Much like drugs. There will always be a supplier as long as there is amarket.
No animal lover should EVER purchase a puppy from a pet store. I used to work at Dr. Pets many years ago and so many animals died in transit, died of disease, had deformites, etc. but the shop did not care. They just destroyed the dogs and it was a busness write off. I rescued two dogs, a schnauzer with horrid demodectic mange and a magnificent great dane that was hunched over in a tiny cage she could barely move in. I also dumped dead animals that were received in orange crate boxes with no water or food and were loaded into cargo areas in planes so tightly they could not get air.
Whenever we see such atrocities, we should report it immediately to the humane society. They fight tirelessly to protect innocent animal vicitms. I reported Dr. Pet after compiling tons of evidence against them and there were changes made in shipping and handling, but that was about it.
Be an activist. Report anhyone you know who is doing this and be very vocal in any pet store you go into that has puppies. Ask them where they came from.
There are good legitimate small breeders out ther and tons of kennel dogs that need homes. It is just not necessary for anyone to buy a pet shop dog.
Thanks for caring. Outrage is a good motivator for change!


I would never buy a dog from a store either, for exactly this reason. I paid $1,000 for Sebastian, my Jack Russel Terrier. I did a ton of research on the breed before I bought him and learned all about "Puppy Mills". My friend's brother bought a rat terrier from a pet store months after I bought my dog. This dog had all kinds of medical problems as he grew. My boy was healthy from day one. He was all muscle when I got him at seven weeks old. I know that I paid more than I would at a store, but he was bread for calm temperment. Jacks are known to be a little nutzy. He only gets over excited when company arrives, other than that he is calm as can be. Puppy mills are absolutely horrible, but unfortunately they still exist. Here are a few pictures of Sebastian



Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I would never buy a dog from a store either, for exactly this reason. I paid $1,000 for Sebastian, my Jack Russel Terrier. I did a ton of research on the breed before I bought him and learned all about "Puppy Mills". My friend's brother bought a rat terrier from a pet store months after I bought my dog. This dog had all kinds of medical problems as he grew. My boy was healthy from day one. He was all muscle when I got him at seven weeks old. I know that I paid more than I would at a store, but he was bread for calm temperment. Jacks are known to be a little nutzy. He only gets over excited when company arrives, other than that he is calm as can be. Puppy mills are absolutely horrible, but unfortunately they still exist. Here are a few pictures of Sebastian
Notice how in every pic...little Sebastian's head is cocked to the right??
Typical JR attack posture.


i have nothing against large scale breeding of animals but its the way you go about it! but unfortunately people will rather make large amounts of quick money than take the time and effort to produce a good quality, happy animal! the one mill had dogs in 6ftx6ft boxes and in the front of the box they had this large wheel made of wire that the dogs ran on! these boxes were piled one on top another right to the ceiling! easily ten boxes on each other and there were rows and rows! the dogs coats were stained with urine..never been bathed and most of them are just given the minimum food and water! very very sad..but im glad there are people fighting for there rights and il do everything I can to educate people on this problem!


Originally Posted by AcroShark
i have nothing against large scale breeding of animals but its the way you go about it! but unfortunately people will rather make large amounts of quick money than take the time and effort to produce a good quality, happy animal! the one mill had dogs in 6ftx6ft boxes and in the front of the box they had this large wheel made of wire that the dogs ran on! these boxes were piled one on top another right to the ceiling! easily ten boxes on each other and there were rows and rows! the dogs coats were stained with urine..never been bathed and most of them are just given the minimum food and water! very very sad..but im glad there are people fighting for there rights and il do everything I can to educate people on this problem!
They are grotesque. It is so sad that they still exist, but they do.


I once watched a special program on HBO called "Dealing Dogs" about an investigator who worked undercover in a puppy mill and had a hidden camera with him 24/7. One of the places these people target is flea markets. They buy and sell there. There are people who steal people's purbred pets bring groups of them to the flea market and sell them to mill owners no questions asked. It was to this day, one the most disturbing programs I have ever watched but I'm glad I did watch it because now I am aware that this occurs. The way those dogs were treated and their conditions was incomprehensable(sp?) and if one of them got too sick or was unuseable my the mill owner for any reason they would shoot them in the head and just toss it aside to rot like a piece of garbage. It was heartbreaking.


Did you know that dogs are also bought and sold illegally for research to labs and dealers who supply the dogs. I watchted this on HBO before and I was utterly astounded!! (and not in a good way) Some of the dog's are stolen pets of other people and the dealers buy them at flea markets, no questions asked!!??


yea i know about the lab animals but i never new that some of them were stolen! in south africa the biggest problem at the moment is illegal dog fighting! they pull all the teeth and claws out of one dog and then make it fight with another! 9/10 times the dogs get faitally injured and get shot or are just left to die!