Originally Posted by Jovial
Come on itom. Are you serious? "General Betray us" sound familliar? How about the insults they level against Orielly and Limbaugh almost daily. These two have been able to substantiate everything they say with facts. Liberals even eat their own. How about the Joe Lieberman cartoon. Seen it? The left routinely smears conservatives. How many Hollywood conservatives have you heard of? Check out move on .org. Full of personal attacks on conservatives.
I am not unaware of political banter/nonsense, liberal or conservative biases in media or elsewhere, or political smear campaigns based on fact or absolute fiction. (I am unaware of the liberman cartoon... I'll google it.) I think in my question I specifically mentioned that attacks on the far right might CLEARLY MISS THE POINT! I could care less if Ann Coulter makes fun of John Edwards' haircut (it just shows her poor taste and mean spirited nature). I doubt he would find it prudent or within the boundaries of appropriate public (or private, for that matter) discourse to call her anything of the sort. If any person, regardless of political inclinations, uses their stage to marginalize a race of people, a religion (any religion... at all), or a culture as Coulter did (and does, and will keep doing of course) then that person does not get much my respect.
Of course I know that people on the fringe of political relevance on the far left take jabs at those on the other side of the spectrum. You're surely aware that the far right is hardly reserved in its treatment of the left in the same regard. Unless you mean to equate Jew with liberal, that's all simply irrelevant. Whether or not you think people should hold their tongues in such settings regarding cultural and racial sensitivity, and whether or not you agree with those statements, it's simply a poor logical step to equate the sqibbling of the left and the right with statements about whether or not a religion, race, and culture should exist.