

I'm all about helping people out, as a lot of you know on this forum, but why can't new hobbyists do ANY research? Are we supposed to spoon feed everything? How are they ever going to learn if they don't research anything for themselves. I mean, they don't even read the FAQ section
I'm sorry I just needed to rant, it really annoys me.


Active Member
Well, in the hobby there is a lot of nuance. What is written in the FAQ's and other threads may not seem to make as much sense to noobs.


Active Member
That sort of stuff never gets to me. Guess it's because the way I see it, I can answer if I want to or let someone else answer it when I don't want to. If everyone just read the old FAQ from time past, I guess there would be no discussion and we would still be doing the same things are we were doing them 10 years ago. Very few questions on here are original. If I just wanted to read, I would buy a book, I guess. JMO.


I would like to think that some poor fish, etc gets the right care because of the guidence provided. People new to saltwater actually listen to their LFS and buy things like sea horses, file fish, 5 clown fish for one tank, oh and my favorite the Blue ringed octopus. If you have never researched keeping sea horses you have no bussiness buying them, I would not attempt them. There is so much to know that they can not possible get the big picture without help.


At least this site hides my e-mail. On another forum they can im and email me and it makes me nuts. I think I'm just cranky because I had the flu vaccine and the swine flu vaccine and ended up getting the flu anyways. Thanks NYS for mandating me to get something that didn't help anyways!


Active Member
I look at it in a simple way ...they have come to ask for help, which means they are doing more than the overwhelming majority of people in the hobby.
I was once a newbie, and I had a degree basically in marine biology. I knew nothing. I had a 10g with white gravel and an undergravel filter. I had a hang on back whisper power filter. I mixed some salt together, threw in 4 fish, and anemone, spider crab and brittlestar. If that brittlestar could was.
I learned a lot in those few weeks. I ended up with a damsel as the survivor. I didn't buy another brittlestar for about 4 years until I really understood the deal. I moved that damsel fish from washington DC to Houston. He lived for over 8 years in the end.
At the time there really weren't boards like these. I could have read and didn't...because I didn't really know I didn't know.
So, I've been there and "embrace" anyone coming to these boards, even if they ask a question on cycling.
I have managers who report in to me, and they get frustrated when their employees don't ask questions. Trick is you have to know what you don't know to ask a question. And you have to sometimes get through a lot of additional new terminology to ask the right question.
So if you get a question, direct them to a the FAQs, to whatever.
the biggest tragedy is when they are jumped on and too afraid to ever ask again.


In NYS, if you work in a high risk sector (ex: hospital, especially er) and all EMTS, paramedics, etc. I am a therapist that works with children with special needs in their homes. I only work with one child and was mandated to get it because he has a weak immune system. I really fought getting it tooth and nail, but they threatened to fire me (in NYS they can) so I got it and now I have the damn flu. I'm so angry! I've never had the flu before in my life.
Of course I got the vaccine on Wednesday, right before a judge ruled to put a halt on the mandate until further review

I went to Mexico during the heart of the Swine Flu outbreak in during the first two weeks of May, came back fine, get the vaccine, and well, yeah...


Active Member
YAY!! to the halt... sorry for the hijack. I'm just waiting for them to say they are going to mandate that I get one.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
YAY!! to the halt... sorry for the hijack. I'm just waiting for them to say they are going to mandate that I get one.
LOL, it's fine. I think it's the real reason I'm so pissy today. I'm usually fine with helping people.
So far from what I've seen is that everyone I work with that was forced to get the Swine Flu vaccine, ended up getting sick. Not happy about it at all. Actually just wrote the to group that sued NYS Board of Health about the mandate to let them know that there is yet another person who got the vaccine and is now sick.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I had a 10g with white gravel and an undergravel filter. I had a hang on back whisper power filter. I mixed some salt together, threw in 4 fish, and anemone, spider crab and brittlestar. If that brittlestar could was.

no you didn't!
BTL...they can do research, but the problem is there is TOO much info sometimes. Even here, there are many many answers, but if they are answers to a problem that is not exactly yours, well......the question has to come out. It is easier to learn the right way than the wrong way by losing a lot of money and livestock.


Active Member
on a side note.....EVERYONE is getting sick after the shot? See, I feel people have already been exposed.....get the shot.....and then get sick. SAme with seasonal shot. There is nothing in the shot to make them sick. Now the nasal spray I do question. I won't let my kids get the nasal spray on either shot. My daughter did one year and got sick. With the flu??? NO, just sick. . This H1N1 is blossoming at a CRAZY rate. My kids go to seperate schools and both schools are swamped with H1n1. IMO, it hasn't even peaked yet. THEN the seasonal flu with come crushing down upon us. Of course they are out of seasonal shots because they had to push out the


Originally Posted by lovethesea
on a side note.....EVERYONE is getting sick after the shot? See, I feel people have already been exposed.....get the shot.....and then get sick. SAme with seasonal shot. There is nothing in the shot to make them sick. Now the nasal spray I do question. I won't let my kids get the nasal spray on either shot. My daughter did one year and got sick. With the flu??? NO, just sick. . This H1N1 is blossoming at a CRAZY rate. My kids go to seperate schools and both schools are swamped with H1n1. IMO, it hasn't even peaked yet. THEN the seasonal flu with come crushing down upon us. Of course they are out of seasonal shots because they had to push out the
Literally all my coworkers that got the vaccine are sick. (Yes, I said shot, but the H1N1 was nasal) It's absolutely crazy. I've never seen that before. The have the nasal vaccine and within 3-4 days they're sick. Same with me. Usually I'd agree that people get exposed right before the shot and then get sick, but this I've never seen before. My mom is a nurse in the ER and she said a lot of nurses that got the nasal vaccine before the mandate was halted also got sick while nurses who work side by side with them that chose not to get the mandated nasal vaccine are fine. We all did get the nasal, the shot is not available widespread right now. Nasal vaccines are just bad news, and I'm paying the price for NY Board of Health panicking.


The real reason I got mad at a new hobbyist was that he didn't even ask a real question. Just asked for a picture of cyano. Come on....


I dont fully understand the shots and such but to me, the nasel H1N1 vaccine. it is a live virus going into your system correct??? so how is that going to help you? wouldnt that just help spread the virus?????? granted this is a week virus that our bodies should be able to keep under controll and it should help us build a immunity to the H1N1,but if it does get its foot planted whats to stop it from building and spreading the H1N1 and making you sick???


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
The real reason I got mad at a new hobbyist was that he didn't even ask a real question. Just asked for a picture of cyano. Come on....

mkay....I'll give on that...
really, come on. Every fish book has a pic of that.
See, nasal....there is something there I have to say. They do say nasal is different, but I will not get it or let my kids get it. Both kids are getting the option of shot vs. nasal. Refusing nasal, will go without before I let them have nasal.
I can't get my seasonal flu shot until 11/4 through my/our employer, we tried to get one at Walgreens or anywhere recently and they are OUT. I hope it won't be too late.


Active Member
BTW, the neurologist I have been seeing is against flu vaccinations, as well. He said the chance of it being affective is about the same as shooting at fish swimming down a river from a thousand yards (his quote). Said the viruses mutate constantly and when they aim one place, by the time the vaccine comes out, that fish is already down the river and another has taken it's place. He said it's a numbers racket.

scott t

Active Member
Hey BTLDreef.. Im sorry that u are sick.... but I know that you have helped me a lot and answered almost all of the questions i have asked... and I thank you for that.... Just a little back ground on why i come here to ask questions... I have read many things over the last few weeks and have worked in a petshop when there was one in my town maybe years ago when i was a teenager... (wont say how many years lol) but they never carried anything that had to do with SWF it was always Freshwater.... I have visited many of sites and read many different opinions of ppl who have wrote books on the subject. Those who write many of the book do we really know if they have ever kept a SWF tank? Are they just scholars that have went to school to study certain species of fish, in a controled enviroment or in their natural habitat?? I think the reason many ppl including myself have chose to come here is because, you and the others here are real ppl that keep SWF in their home. You on the boards here are the one who are in the trenches and learing from keeping them not just someone who has studied then in a closed enviroment or in the wild and are speculating on how they may react in the home aquaruim.. The people on here are the one we as Noobs turn to when we need a quick answer to that all consuming question... If it were not for places and ppl like the ppl here on SWF i think there would be less ppl keeping a SWF tank and many that would just get so frustrted that they will just give up on keeping one. I am very greatful that i have ppl on here that are willing to take the time out of their busy lives to answer the questions that are posed to them, even if it is just the simplest question about cycling... It takes truly dedicated ppl who love SWF to take the time to help another no matter how simple the question may be just because they have such a love for the hobby that they want to share it with others who with out you ppl on here would never get the chance to have one of their own and have to view them from afar.....
Thanks to all the Dedicated ppl here on SWF Boards that have given your time and effort to help the Ppl who are new to the Hobby!!!!


Originally Posted by Scott T
Hey BTLDreef.. Im sorry that u are sick.... but I know that you have helped me a lot and answered almost all of the questions i have asked... and I thank you for that.... Just a little back ground on why i come here to ask questions... I have read many things over the last few weeks and have worked in a petshop when there was one in my town maybe years ago when i was a teenager... (wont say how many years lol) but they never carried anything that had to do with SWF it was always Freshwater.... I have visited many of sites and read many different opinions of ppl who have wrote books on the subject. Those who write many of the book do we really know if they have ever kept a SWF tank? Are they just scholars that have went to school to study certain species of fish, in a controled enviroment or in their natural habitat?? I think the reason many ppl including myself have chose to come here is because, you and the others here are real ppl that keep SWF in their home. You on the boards here are the one who are in the trenches and learing from keeping them not just someone who has studied then in a closed enviroment or in the wild and are speculating on how they may react in the home aquaruim.. The people on here are the one we as Noobs turn to when we need a quick answer to that all consuming question... If it were not for places and ppl like the ppl here on SWF i think there would be less ppl keeping a SWF tank and many that would just get so frustrted that they will just give up on keeping one. I am very greatful that i have ppl on here that are willing to take the time out of their busy lives to answer the questions that are posed to them, even if it is just the simplest question about cycling... It takes truly dedicated ppl who love SWF to take the time to help another no matter how simple the question may be just because they have such a love for the hobby that they want to share it with others who with out you ppl on here would never get the chance to have one of their own and have to view them from afar.....
Thanks to all the Dedicated ppl here on SWF Boards that have given your time and effort to help the Ppl who are new to the Hobby!!!!

You ask intelligent questions. Not what cyano looks like, LOL... AND>>> You're polite!


Originally Posted by lovethesea
mkay....I'll give on that...
really, come on. Every fish book has a pic of that.
See, nasal....there is something there I have to say. They do say nasal is different, but I will not get it or let my kids get it. Both kids are getting the option of shot vs. nasal. Refusing nasal, will go without before I let them have nasal.
I can't get my seasonal flu shot until 11/4 through my/our employer, we tried to get one at Walgreens or anywhere recently and they are OUT. I hope it won't be too late.
LOL .. see what I mean?
yeah, I wasn't thrilled about the nasal, but NYS mandated it. Then two days after I got it because my boss threatened to fire me (which under the mandate, they could have), a judge but a restraint on the mandate until further notice because this has been happening to health care workers who got the vaccine.