Originally Posted by
I look at it in a simple way ...they have come to ask for help, which means they are doing more than the overwhelming majority of people in the hobby.
I was once a newbie, and I had a degree basically in marine biology. I knew nothing. I had a 10g with white gravel and an undergravel filter. I had a hang on back whisper power filter. I mixed some salt together, threw in 4 fish, and anemone, spider crab and brittlestar. If that brittlestar could scream...it was.
I learned a lot in those few weeks. I ended up with a damsel as the survivor. I didn't buy another brittlestar for about 4 years until I really understood the deal. I moved that damsel fish from washington DC to Houston. He lived for over 8 years in the end.
At the time there really weren't boards like these. I could have read and didn't...because I didn't really know I didn't know.
So, I've been there and "embrace" anyone coming to these boards, even if they ask a question on cycling.
I have managers who report in to me, and they get frustrated when their employees don't ask questions. Trick is you have to know what you don't know to ask a question. And you have to sometimes get through a lot of additional new terminology to ask the right question.
So if you get a question, direct them to a thread...to the FAQs, to whatever.
the biggest tragedy is when they are jumped on and too afraid to ever ask again.
Well said...and I fully agree. Also I think sometimes a person just wants to connect with another person who loves fish. The questions are just banter folks would have if you were standing in a store chatting about the hobby.
I love the people on this site. I enjoy reading the questions and answers and putting my 2 bits in the mix. I hope it never gets to the point that we start making people feel bad for asking.
BTLDreef...as for flu shots, I get sick when I get them too. So I don't. I hope you feel better soon.