
scott t

Active Member
Thanks, I just guess its the way i was raised and i love to learn about new things. and if i dont know the answer to something i go looking for it. Wether is here on the boards, on the internet or in a book, i will always find the answer or a good answer to that question that i have.... :)


Originally Posted by ophiura
I look at it in a simple way ...they have come to ask for help, which means they are doing more than the overwhelming majority of people in the hobby.
I was once a newbie, and I had a degree basically in marine biology. I knew nothing. I had a 10g with white gravel and an undergravel filter. I had a hang on back whisper power filter. I mixed some salt together, threw in 4 fish, and anemone, spider crab and brittlestar. If that brittlestar could was.
I learned a lot in those few weeks. I ended up with a damsel as the survivor. I didn't buy another brittlestar for about 4 years until I really understood the deal. I moved that damsel fish from washington DC to Houston. He lived for over 8 years in the end.
At the time there really weren't boards like these. I could have read and didn't...because I didn't really know I didn't know.
So, I've been there and "embrace" anyone coming to these boards, even if they ask a question on cycling.
I have managers who report in to me, and they get frustrated when their employees don't ask questions. Trick is you have to know what you don't know to ask a question. And you have to sometimes get through a lot of additional new terminology to ask the right question.
So if you get a question, direct them to a the FAQs, to whatever.
the biggest tragedy is when they are jumped on and too afraid to ever ask again.
Well said


Active Member
I've been handling a lighting thread on a board for about 5 years now. I figured out pretty quick the "dumb" questions, for the most part, are from people looking for reassurance. You get someone new to the hobby, or someone thinking of trying something new it can be a little intimidating.
I would be willing to bet I have answered basically the same question the exact same way 20 times in a day. I keep thinking once T5 catch on the questions will subside but they just get more complicated


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
I'm all about helping people out, as a lot of you know on this forum, but why can't new hobbyists do ANY research? Are we supposed to spoon feed everything? How are they ever going to learn if they don't research anything for themselves. I mean, they don't even read the FAQ section
I'm sorry I just needed to rant, it really annoys me.
I would rather ask people of this forum because to me personal opinions are 100% better then articles.


Active Member
Not to mention, this issue is relative. What is a basic obvious FAQ type question (often not captured in the heading of the thread anyway) may not be obvious to someone new...or even experienced. I changed from PCs to T5s and it is like...ok, who makes the best bulbs and what pattern and blah blah blah. (nod to reefraff)
It is greek to me.
And then there is the sinking realization at times that...dang...I had no idea THAT could happen. These boards are a place to share. More "real time" thank any static FAQ or book.


Active Member
Learning from other people's mistakes is a good result of using the boards. Everyone who has ever had PC lamps for clams or crushed coral instead of sand raise your hand


Active Member
Sorry to hear you have the flu. the hosp. I currently work at is offering it now. I have asked, and it is not mandated at mine. Although they think that the government will eventually mandate it. I am not getting the seasonal vaccine, but have really been debating on the h1n1. My only problem is that a fellow nurse had a son who had went to the doctor, received his vaccine, had been exposed to chicken pox ( noone knew at the time) and he developed an autoimmune disease. I think that is just awful.
And as far as newbies asking silly questions, well I look at it as "been there, done that" without anyone to guide me, so I dont mind telling them my experiences. My local pet store peeps are idiots about saltwater fish and corals, mainly high school kids working a part time job. But I too get frustrated when a question is answered in length one day, and the next day, the same question is asked...But that is why we can respond or not..


Active Member
What's frustrating is when they ask a question and then don't want the answer because it's not what they wanted to hear. Otherwise, I've repeated the same information over and over, and more or less, it keeps it fresh on my brain.
I haven't kept an octopus in about 8 months now and I'm having to go back and re-read all of my own posts to knock the cob webs off before I order another one.
It would be nice if people would use the search feature though, since most questions are covered multiple times every month, but when the question is specific, it's not too easy to weed out the search results.


Originally Posted by TexasMetal
What's frustrating is when they ask a question and then don't want the answer because it's not what they wanted to hear. Otherwise, I've repeated the same information over and over, and more or less, it keeps it fresh on my brain.
I haven't kept an octopus in about 8 months now and I'm having to go back and re-read all of my own posts to knock the cob webs off before I order another one.
It would be nice if people would use the search feature though, since most questions are covered multiple times every month, but when the question is specific, it's not too easy to weed out the search results.
Specific questions are fine. I'm all for helping people out. But when it's completely obvious that they've done NO research, it makes me nuts. This guy asked what cyano looks like. COME ON...


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Specific questions are fine. I'm all for helping people out. But when it's completely obvious that they've done NO research, it makes me nuts. This guy asked what cyano looks like. COME ON...
Dosn't seem all that stupid of a question considering there are many different strains of cyano that look totally different. Not hardly something to get worked up about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
BTL...they can do research, but the problem is there is TOO much info sometimes. Even here, there are many many answers, but if they are answers to a problem that is not exactly yours, well......the question has to come out. It is easier to learn the right way than the wrong way by losing a lot of money and livestock.
I know I asked the same questions over, part of it was reassurance, part of it was getting a secondary opinion, to see if it matched the first. And part of it was to address specific needs, that I wasn't sure was applicable.
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
LOL .. see what I mean?
yeah, I wasn't thrilled about the nasal, but NYS mandated it. Then two days after I got it because my boss threatened to fire me (which under the mandate, they could have), a judge but a restraint on the mandate until further notice because this has been happening to health care workers who got the vaccine.
I think you should send them a bill...
Originally Posted by TexasMetal

What's frustrating is when they ask a question and then don't want the answer because it's not what they wanted to hear. Otherwise, I've repeated the same information over and over, and more or less, it keeps it fresh on my brain.
I haven't kept an octopus in about 8 months now and I'm having to go back and re-read all of my own posts to knock the cob webs off before I order another one.
It would be nice if people would use the search feature though, since most questions are covered multiple times every month, but when the question is specific, it's not too easy to weed out the search results.
any of your cuttle fish make it?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I look at it in a simple way ...they have come to ask for help, which means they are doing more than the overwhelming majority of people in the hobby.
I was once a newbie, and I had a degree basically in marine biology. I knew nothing. I had a 10g with white gravel and an undergravel filter. I had a hang on back whisper power filter. I mixed some salt together, threw in 4 fish, and anemone, spider crab and brittlestar. If that brittlestar could was.
I learned a lot in those few weeks. I ended up with a damsel as the survivor. I didn't buy another brittlestar for about 4 years until I really understood the deal. I moved that damsel fish from washington DC to Houston. He lived for over 8 years in the end.
At the time there really weren't boards like these. I could have read and didn't...because I didn't really know I didn't know.
So, I've been there and "embrace" anyone coming to these boards, even if they ask a question on cycling.
I have managers who report in to me, and they get frustrated when their employees don't ask questions. Trick is you have to know what you don't know to ask a question. And you have to sometimes get through a lot of additional new terminology to ask the right question.
So if you get a question, direct them to a the FAQs, to whatever.
the biggest tragedy is when they are jumped on and too afraid to ever ask again.

Well said...and I fully agree. Also I think sometimes a person just wants to connect with another person who loves fish. The questions are just banter folks would have if you were standing in a store chatting about the hobby.
I love the people on this site. I enjoy reading the questions and answers and putting my 2 bits in the mix. I hope it never gets to the point that we start making people feel bad for asking. for flu shots, I get sick when I get them too. So I don't. I hope you feel better soon.

coral keeper

Active Member
THIS kind of thread pops up several times a year all saying the same exact thing... If your tired of looking at the same questions over and over, leave that section and go to a different one? No one is making you go to that section, read and answer all the threads. %% So what if they have done NO RESEARCH at all? Why do you think they are here for? To do research... Don't you remember when you did the same thing when you were a newbie? Just sayin.....


Active Member
In addition, I will point out two things...
The first is that the post in question had a typo. Try searching the boards when you are a newbie and don't have the spelling correct. Maybe they searched all day long for it. How many times do you see anename, alage, etc? It is common, actually. A new lingo...
Also, the poster there has not posted since the original exchange. Hopefully that is coincidence.
So if you are annoyed (and it happens to ALL of us), it is best to not write at all, than risk driving someone away :( that happens for sure.