annoying bird


this bird always wakes me up in the morning cause it flies into the window every morning for 2-3 hours. does anyone else have this problem??


Active Member
Windows are too clean! Maybe a sticker on it or something to show the bird there is something there.
My boss had a bird that would fly into her windows repeatedly for HOURS!
AND would come back each year and do it again....dumb bird


Active Member
I've had one that has been flying into my sliding glass door and my basement window for about 3 weeks now. Gonna buy a BB gun one of these days...


Haha, my son complained of a bird making noise all night outside his window... But it was a frog. Birds aren't usually up all night.


Originally Posted by spanko
Windows are too clean! Maybe a sticker on it or something to show the bird there is something there.
well the window might have been clean before it started but there are streaks everywhere and i am tempted to take out the .22 lol
forget the .22 pull out a .357, or better yet, the ol' peacemaker. ever see that pitch johnson threw at the bird. it'll probably look something like that.
btw. i solve my problem with an airsoft (the only space between me and my neighbors is the driveway, so bbs and .22s are out of the question).