Anomone changing color


I have a rose BTA that i bought about a month ago. so far so good, i think. when i bought the anemone the tenticles were redish like they should be and the body was a really light tan, not white but like tan. he has almost doubled his size since i added him. the tenticles are still the same color (the color they should be) accept the body of it is getting a little darker, like a light brown, is this normal? i feed him silvers about every 3rd day. he seems healthy


Originally Posted by ManyColors
not sure how to post one

When you reply to a post just click on the little thing up there that looks like a paper clip. It will launch a window called "Manage Attachments".
From there just click on "Chose File" button.
Now locate the file where your picture is located, click on it and click on the Upload button.
Your picture size can be no wider than 650 pixels and no higher than 550 pixels.
There are many programs out there to reduce your pictures to the correct size, some use photo-bucket, I use Adobe photo-shop.

Hope this helps....

Oh, I see you figured it out.........
Great picture...and we all care!


Active Member
Like I said sounds like it is doing wonderful, the picture verifies this. Good looking anemone.